‘From Qatar,’ an annual exhibition organised by Qatar Fine Arts Association (QFAA), was recently inaugurated to celebrate the Qatar National Day at Building 13 of Katara where over 50 art pieces have been displayed to highlight different aspects of the local culture and traditions.
QFAA is a fine arts movement in Qatar and raises the level of scientific and technical artists and maintains their production and promotes closer ties of friendship between the member artists and their fellow artists from other nations. The organisation draws some of the better-known artists from across the region.
The opening of the annual exhibition saw gathering of art lovers in large numbers, particularly the Qatari citizens. Most of the participating artists are also Qataris and there are also many artists from different expatriate communities.
The exhibition was formally inaugurated by Adel Ali bin Ali, the honorary president of QFAA. He was flanked by other Qatari dignitaries and noted artists. The guests took a round of the exhibition and marvelled at each and every art piece. The QFAA president took keen interest in the art pieces and asked questions from the artists about the subject matter and the art techniques they used.
The art enthusiasts expressed their appreciation about the art pieces on display that showed Qatari attires, way of life, craze for falcons, horses, and camels. The artists showcased abstract, realistic, surrealistic paintings and sculptures to convey different subject matters. Every artist was asked to display one art piece at the exhibition.
Dr Eslam Kamil is a Sudanese artist, who has been based in Qatar since 1996. He is also a member of the QFAA. He said: “I have always been taking part in the annual exhibition. This year’s exhibition is a wonderful collection of artworkds from artists of different nationalities for Qatar National Day. The event underlines the diversity of the art work and the artists at the same time.
“My art piece is all about bright future. Recently in Sudan, we had a sort of revolution in December 2018. We are celebrating the revolution this year. We hope Sudan has a bright future ahead. My art piece tries to connect Sudan’s future with the success of Qatar.
“I used the washing technique for my artistic creations. Usually, artists use the technique with water colours but I am using it with acrylic. My work is an abstract piece of art.”
Dr Kamil is satisfied with his strong ties with QFAA. “I think most of the Qatari artists are making friends with other artists using the platform. They exchange their experiences with others. The association offers a multicultural platform and makes ties among the art community stronger.”
Faisal al-Hajri, Qatari artist, said: “We are all celebrating the national day through this exhibition. At the same time, we are celebrating contemporary art in Qatar. There are so many different styles of work and different techniques displayed here. It explains the evolution of the artists who have been trying to show the best of their talents.
“My art piece portrays the unlimited limit, a philosophical concept that helps us in shaping our mind to see the future and reality. I have used the technique called mix media using monochrome technique to reflect – symbolism –the meaning of duality.”
Faisal calls displaying his work at the exhibition as coming back to his home. “I started my artistic journey with QFAA 20 years ago. They have always invited me to take part in their exhibitions.”
Ahmed Awad is an Iraqi artist working with Souq Waqif Art Centre. He said: “I have been a part of QFAA for five years. I have displayed one of my cast drawings. It is the cast of Michelangelo’s dawn figure. I have used charcoal to make the paper darker.”
Fouz Saif, an art teacher, was all praise for the exhibition. She said: “It is amazing. I see lots of different pieces with diverse themes. There are some artists exhibiting their works for the first time. I am also a member of QFAA but I am not exhibiting this time.” 
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