As the excitement fills up the air at Msheireb Downtown Doha (MDD) with the launch of World Cup activations, a number of fans from across the world have expressed admiration for the smart and sustainable city and the unique experience it offers them."Msheireb is the beating heart of Doha,” said Mortada al-Saffar from Saudi Arabia. "I’m impressed by the authentic heritage mixed with modernity in buildings. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a wonderful World Cup vibe.”The MDD prides itself on connecting Qatar’s past and present while using sustainable technology to represent the future that the nation is heading towards.International tourists visiting the MDD for the first time are amazed by the unique architecture and accessibility within the city."The atmosphere of the city is amazing,” said Brazilian fan Natasha Barasanan when asked about her experience. "You can see and hear people from all over the world everywhere.”"It’s so beautiful at night with all the lights, she said. "We were very impressed by the building designs that reflect the Qatari culture.”"It’s very easy to get around and the directions are very clear,” Barasanan added. "People are enjoying (themselves) ... we are enjoying (ourselves) too much.”Heidi Carlos from Mexico commented on how easy it is to move around the city on foot, as there are a lot of maps and volunteers to help.The tram is a sustainable approach to transportation within the city and its distinct design captures attention."I’ve noticed that Msheireb is a smart city,” Pablo Rodriguez from Argentina commented. "It is always clean and ready to receive visitors. There’s so much happening in the city, it’s different every day.”The MDD's World Cup activations and events can be found in all areas of the district, ranging from exhibitions to cheer zones.
December 05, 2022 | 12:47 AM