
Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism information office opens in Doha

Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism information office opens in Doha

February 18, 2020 | 10:59 PM
Saint Petersburg City Tour Information Bureau head Nadezhda Petrova, Tawfeeq Travel Group CEO Rehan Ali Syed, Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau deputy general director Olga Rendino and representatives of Meteors Travels during the function

The Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism information office is now open in Doha at Tawfeeq Travels in Shoumoukh Towers.

The new office will help tourists from Qatar get information about Saint Petersburg, the city’s tourist spots, hotels and most convenient travel routes and options.

The new initiative is aimed at drawing foreign tourists towards the cultural capital of Russia and boost the city’s economy by attracting business initiatives and investors.

A function in connection with the office opening, held at La Cigale Hotel on Tuesday was attended by Saint Petersburg City Tour Information Bureau head Nadezhda Petrova, Tawfeeq Travel Group CEO Rehan Ali Syed, Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau deputy general director Olga Rendino and representatives of Meteors Travels.

Syed said that Tawfeeq Travel Group is delighted to announce its strategic partnership with Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism as the exclusive representative in Qatar. “Tawfeeq Travel Group is looking forward to facilitating Qatar-Russia ties by promoting tourism between the two countries,” he said.

“Tawfeeq Travel has an extensive network of 10 retail locations across Qatar. With the recently launched Tawfeeq Holidays, we will soon offer exciting packages to Saint Petersburg and the rest of Russia to help visitors go through the cultural history of the city and the country,” he added.

Petrova said tourists will be given a rousing welcome in the city, which is equipped with all facilities to serve the visitors.

Rendino said that the city each year marks a increase in the number of tourists. The authorities were looking to promote foreign investment and business meets in the city.

Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism information office in Doha is the 14th of its kind and will help tourists plan their vacations in the cultural city in advance. The tourist partners will be helped to expand interaction of Saint Petersburg tourism industry representatives. The office will also provide support to complete travel proceedings.

Qataris are able to visit Russia without a visa under a new system introduced in 2019 following an agreement with the two countries. Visit Saint Petersburg City Tourism information office are functional in Taipei, Hong Kong, Paris, Leipzig, Rimini, Mumbai, New Delhi, Dubai, Tehran, Tokyo, Barcelona, Yerevan and Palermo.

For more information tourists can contact: +97444484848

February 18, 2020 | 10:59 PM