Have you ever have had winter that lasted a long-long time? The winter I am talking about is not the weather, but more of a season of life when pain, suffering, disappointment, confusion and sadness fall down on you like snow on a cold, grey March day in London.
Sometimes life is like spring: everything is new, fresh, growing and beautiful. The temperature is perfect with a slight breeze that kisses your face. Along this journey called life, we know winter comes after autumn, but some winters stick around way too long. I feel like I am in a winter season currently, and it’s never been so cold. I lost a loved one and I am in London to attend the funeral.
In retrospect, I’m thankful for the winter seasons of my life because the cold wind of suffering blew me into the direction of faith where I found warmth and love. The heat of faith comforts me and melts away any ice around my heart.
So what do we do when winter lasts too long? We must grieve, the grieving process is essential to our healing. It’s good to remember we were never promised a winter-free life. Trials and tribulations are part of life and they shape our character and make us who we are. Once we understand that, we can prepare ourselves better for when winter does come, that way you will have a coat ready to wear to keep you warm on bone-chilling days. I remind myself that God is in charge, the same God who blessed me in spring is the same God who blesses me in winter. During prolonged winter seasons, our strength and resources are exhausted and we are left with nothing but hope and faith.
Because I’ve experienced winter before, I know the snow will melt, the temperature will eventually warm, new things will come to life and spring will smile at us, but I don’t ever want to forget the seasons that have shaped me to be the person I am. If you are experiencing a winter that is over staying its welcome wrap yourself up in the blanket of unwavering faith, and remember, God is burning a fire for us even on the coldest of days.
The author is a consultant and coach. Instagram handle: @miss_shefa, Website: missshefa.com
Shefa Ali