The normalcy of life is definitely being disrupted by the novel coronavirus as the medical experts continue to stress on limiting human to human interaction and following strict hygiene practices.
Among all the precautions and fears, more and more organisations are either directing or advising their staff to start working from home in a bid to minimise their physical contacts.
It is true that the novel work practices and modern technologies have already introduced people to the idea of working from home. However, the extraordinary situation asks for unusual steps for public health. It is not easy to break away from a set routine of work and do away with the office work ethics. Working from home may be an easier option or charming idea when it is optional.
As the nature of work differs from organisation to oranisation, the employees will face one common challenge – how to commit oneself to working from home. To make is easier and workable, experts have multiple suggestions to offer.
Malik Nasir Nawaz, inspirational and motivational speaker, who has been training and coaching professionals and work forces of noted companies around the world. A Pakistani expatriate, he is the CEO of MN Learning Solutions. His expertise includes motivation training, business etiquette development, stress/anger management and time management training.
Community recently spoke with Malik about how people, who are asked to work from home, can make themselves committed to their work and to be more productive. The trainer has long been working from home as he has set up his home-office.
The expert deems it important to work from home keeping in mind the current virus outbreak as advised by the health professionals. “As a safety measure against coronavirus, working from home is essential in our daily routine. Working from home is one of the essential step most of the organisations and business offices are implementing. As a trainer, my complete training plan, preparation and paperwork I have been doing from home. Based on my experience spanning over two decade, I would like to share my style of working from home for being more comfortable and productive. If followed closely, the steps can bring in better results for yourself, your organisation and clients.”
The very first step that Malik stress upon is to designate a particular work area in the house. “Designate the area as your office or work station. Organise it like your office work station. Preferably it should be in the last room or any place at the end of the house. It can help maintain undisturbed focus with no distractions.
“Secondly, try and make your sitting place as comfortable as possible putting all work related equipment such as laptop, printer, table lamp etc. in order. If you do this before you start your work, it will help you to be more productive.”
Malik lays stress on splitting the working hours in shorter spans. “Split eight working hours in four sets. After two hours have a break. You can take the time off for some other home-related activity. However, bear in mind that during the two hour segment do not have a break.
“It is advisable to be more disciplined in your work when at home. Create a list of daily work assignments based on – what should be done, what must be done and what could be done.”
According to the professional trainer, people need to do different things to commit themselves to work when at home. “Take good meals – breakfast and lunch – to have full attention on work. It will help to work without interruption that is often caused by hunger.
“Further, designate some time to walk outside considering it a break to be away from the home atmosphere. Do not spend the break time in doing home related tasks. The key is discipline and self-control. The short stints of work help in having more concentration. You can also play some background music if you are alone in the room. If there are other people in the house, do talk to them and share your thoughts.” 
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