I often think about balance, and how it applies to so many areas in our everyday life. 
When we are in a state of inner balance, our heart and head are said to be synchronised. But right now, in the middle of the largest crises the Earth’s facing, there are times when my head and heart are completely out of synchronisation, and I think many people in my position are feeling this — especially small business owners, who still need to work to keep the country serviced, powered, supplied and safe. 
My vegan businesses have common goals: of enriching the lives of my customers with healthy vegan food, organic skincare, and sustainable solutions. It’s extraordinary, nerve-wrecking and unprecedented how my companies (myself included) have to adapt to the challenges of this huge and at a very sudden scale. We need to follow guidelines, adhere to new rules, and do our best to follow the worldwide advice. But I and other business owners also need to ensure that our staff is as financially stable as possible throughout this difficult time. I want to serve people, our loyal customers, and our new customers who are paying special attention to boosting their health and immune system during this period. I want to ensure that everyone has the access to the healthy, vegan food they are so used to enjoying with us — but by doing so, I need my staff to be on the front line ready to serve. I need to remain in control of the supply chain, the economics, the deliveries, and all the other parts of my working day that would ordinarily never be a threat, and are now deemed risky. My head says one thing, and in some moments, my heart may say another.  
Of course, we have to focus on the health of the people first and foremost, that goes without saying, but what about the health of our local economy? It has created a battle between health and economy — a battle we haven’t ever practised, and that suddenly have to figure out. Is this the right decision to make? What are the new impacts that I have to consider, impacts we have never had to consider before?
When it all feels a little too much, I try to balance my concerns by thinking back to a time, not too long ago, when the world felt like a much calmer place. I think of the journey I made for my vegan skincare brand, where I travelled around the world to discover the natural benefits that can be found in our global environment. Now, travelling the world — or even outside without essential purpose — seems like an extraordinary, crazy thought. I remind myself that this, like everything else will pass, and so will the challenges that are currently attached to it. 
We must find the balance to protect what will be left once we all are through this period. Let’s try to not have to replace one with the other, or give ultimatums. The balance of being able to think in the long-term, while dealing with the challenges of the short-term in as best way as possible. 
Mistakes will be made. Lessons will be learnt. But the head and the heart will be in synchronisation again one day soon, and hopefully, the economy and our health. 

*The author is an expert in vegan wellbeing and health. Instagram handle: @Ghanim92 

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