Preventive measures such as physical distancing have reduced the spread of the novel coronvirus in Qatar and enabled the healthcare system to provide high-quality care to patients who require intense medical treatment, a senior official told a press conference on Thursday.

"The healthcare sector has rapidly activated significant capacity to house Covid-19 patients in suitable facilities and has the capacity for many more if needed," explained Dr Abdullatif al-Khal, chair of the National Strategic Group on Covid-19 and head of the Infectious Diseases Division at Hamad Medical Corporation.

"The number of daily cases continues to increase and this is expected to continue for some time. Most countries around the world are seeing a steeper rise in daily numbers before they see a levelling off.

"While the number of cases continues to increase, it is encouraging that the percentage of critically ill/deceased is very low.

"The overwhelming majority of people with Covid-19 in Qatar experience only mild, flu-like symptoms and make a full recovery. This week a significant milestone was reached with more than 1,000 patients having fully recovered and this number will continue to increase," he said.

"Life will return to normal as soon as it is safe to do so, but this will be a gradual return. Only when we are certain that we are past the peak of Covid-19 in Qatar can we begin to consider removing some of the restrictions currently in place," Dr al-Khal said.

"It is essential that people continue to play their part and follow preventive recommendations," Dr al-Khal added at the Ministry of Public Health press conference.

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