The Cultural Village Foundation (Katara) marked Garangao night on Thursday in a new way. The celebration protected the health and safety of children and prevented gatherings in line with the precautionary measures taken by Katara to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).
Katara's celebration of Garangao night was characterised by a range of activities and events that brought joy to children who had to stay home in a break from the tradition that would have seen them visiting houses to get gifts.
Immediately after Iftar time, Katara volunteers started the festivity by organising a tour that covered various parts of Qatar and distributed gifts to children.
The children also listened to their beloved Garangao songs through the drones launched by Katara in a tour that also covered various regions.
Katara volunteers had packed the gifts in line with all health, safety and security measures.
Immediately after Iftar time, Katara volunteers started the festivity by organising a tour that covered various parts of Qatar and distributed gifts to children.
The children also listened to their beloved Garangao songs through the drones launched by Katara in a tour that also covered various regions.
Katara volunteers had packed the gifts in line with all health, safety and security measures.