Mental health is as important as physical health. Especially when there is a global pandemic resulting in a recession, there are many other determinants that cause depression. And if you have a family who depends on you, the probability of being more prone to depression increases, compared to those who have no one to rely on. However, there are ways on how you can deal with depression in this pandemic and be productive instead.
Here is an in-depth discussion as to how to deal with depression in quarantine.
First you need to understand what are some of the factors that can contribute to depression or stress in a lockdown:
1. Fear and worry about your health and your loved ones.
2. Changes in sleep or eating patterns.
3. Difficulty sleeping or concentrating.
4. Worsening of chronic health problems.
5. Worsening of mental health conditions.
6. Fear of catching the pandemic.
7 Fear of being unemployed.
8 Fear of losing all your savings.
Statistics state that 1 out of 5 children live with a parent who is depressed. Dealing with depression can hurt your children. Therefore, you must address your depression, especially if your children are not happy. It can not only affect your children, but it can also affect many other aspects, like your mental well-being and relationships.
Here are some factors that you need to consider and start considering addressing your depression:
1. Depression can affect your productivity.
2. Moodiness due to depression can affect your children, where they can internalise and act negatively.
3. It can affect your appetite, therefore, affecting your immune system.
4. You can gain weight due to the high level of cortisol in your body, which is a chemical produced due to stress. High levels of cortisol can make your body go into a fat-storing stage.
5. You can have trouble with memory and making decisions.
6. You can deal with insomnia, which can further affect your body.
7. Moreover, depression can degrade the quality of your and your loved one’s life.
However, depression has its stages like many others disorders. If you have these symptoms, then you need to act soon.
Psychological symptoms, include continuous low mood or sadness, feeling hopeless and helpless, having low self-esteem, feeling tearful, feeling guilt-ridden, feeling irritable and intolerant to others, lack of interest and social involvement, not indulging in any activity, finding it difficult to make decisions, not getting any enjoyment out of life, and feeling anxious or worried.
Physical symptoms, include moving or speaking more slowly than usual, changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased), constipation, unexplained aches and pains, lack of energy, and disturbed sleep – for example, finding it difficult to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning.
If you and your loved ones have these symptoms, then you need to take these steps to address their depression before it gets worse. One important thing that you should acknowledge is that people who are depressed cannot act rationally, and they take everything personally. Therefore, dealing with moodiness and irrational attitude is never easy. But you can help them through these simple actions:
1. Let them keep in touch with your loved ones through email, phone calls, or video calling.
2. Make sure that you remind them that you are always there for them.
3. Ask them to consult a doctor.
4. Reach out for online therapists and psychiatrists.
5. Involve them in any activity.
6. Make them feel good about themselves.
7. Motivate them and remind them of their achievements.
8. Give yourself or your loved ones some space.
9. Let them get involved in physical activities.
These are essential steps and very crucial to a person who is depressed. Therefore, you need to understand that being patient and compassionate are two critical factors. These factors are required when you are dealing with your loved one who is depressed. You also need to talk to your children about it if your partner is dealing with depression and ask them to be kind and look out for them.
Since everyone is in a lockdown, the probability that a person requires space, increases. Consequently, it is best to dedicate a space exclusively for them and their activities, so they may retreat and contemplate on life alone. Moreover, seeking professional help is always recommended. In a lockdown there are health professionals who are willing to offer their services online. Therefore, consider seeking professional help from the best doctors or therapists.
Depression should not be taken for granted or overlooked. The collateral damage of depression can act in layers and destroy a lot before it is noticed!