Firstly, masks are still highly recommended and sometimes required as we enter public spaces. It is not being enforced as it was previously, but still is necessary. Social distancing is probably the most enforced protocol and it is very understandable why. Please try to refrain from seeing others besides those that you are living with. There are so many mini outbreaks happening that could have been easily prevented by staying home. I keep stressing to people how critical it is to keep your distance from delivery people and how to instruct them to leave the item on the floor or a table outside. Once they leave, go ahead and enjoy what you ordered knowing that you have been cautious and are doing your best to prevent anything from happening to you and your family.
If you must go shopping, try to be as efficient as possible and don’t waste time. Honestly, it is not worth the risk yet unless you really need to. When it comes to going out, keep your phone away and try to touch the least possible items. Especially when it comes to fresh produce, try to use the outside of the plastic or cloth bags to look through the fruit instead of with your hands or gloves. Now let’s discuss gloves... To me, gloves are a good and preventative measure but not the most preventative. Gloves need to be dealt with carefully, you have to remember that you cannot touch items and then touch your body or personal belongings. Use the gloves for a certain task and then remove them and replace them when you need to touch things again. You have to be responsible and watch your movements to be confident with your choices. The secret to reducing the confusion and inability to keep track of what your gloves have touched is by training yourself to use your hands less. When it comes to doors, push them open with your body, arm or feet and if you are desperate and in a hurry, use your sleeves. If you are riding an elevator or pushing buttons, try to opt for your knuckles, wrists or elbows. Even when it comes to payments, stay away from cash as money is one of the most handled items in the world. And yes, even the ATM machine, use knuckles and in the store, if the staff are willing, have them operate the machine and input your code so you only insert and take out the card during the transaction. Again, when it comes to your phone, try to keep it away when you are out and about and only use it when you are able to easily sanitise and clean your hands and phone. This brings me to my next point, wipes and sanitiser. Keep these readily available, especially in your living area, office and car. You have to be able to readily disinfect yourself or any surfaces before it is too late. That’s why you have to stay away from your face. I know it is extremely hard to not touch yourself, specifically your face, but you have to try your hardest. The risk of contracting anything is so much higher when it comes to your eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
Disinfectant wipes and sanitiser are our best friends now but please do not forget the power of soap and water. If done well, this is the best defence. I quickly realised that the high frequency of sanitising really dried out my hands. Even wipes, they are not economically practical and usually leave a lot of moisture. Some people actually have allergies when it comes to these kinds of items, so be careful not to hurt your skin either.
Now back to the more important, social distancing and home-quarantine, resist urge of getting in contact with others. Hugging and handshaking are extremely missed, but again, I highly suggest you to try your best when it comes to completely stopping this behavior until further notice.
Personally, I am not changing my current cautious ways, attitude or my behaviour. I do hope that this pandemic comes to an end soon, but until then I hope you practice safety as an extra precaution before anything else.
* The author is a wellness advocate and influencer @keys2balance.