As the English Language Dictionaries are being constantly updated with the new age slang, the professional dictionaries aren’t falling anywhere behind. The number of new jobs that have been created with time are expected with change, but at the same timae, the multitude is shocking. While opportunities have expanded, creating more lines to connect the aimless dots, the same lines are also blurring in vision. We’re confusing professions, creating self-implied boundaries between professionalism and hobbies and affecting more than just ourselves with the consequences. Self-indulgence might be the norm of today, yet, existing within the realm of society, if you choose to, still imposes social responsibility. Today, in my column, I take this same responsibility, to educate anyone who stumbles upon the field of mental well-being and health. Following are some of the important pieces of information, you just can’t afford to NOT get right. 

A mental well-being professional is not a mental illness professional 
Mental well-being is not:  
1. Clinical depression
2. Schizophrenia
3. Personality disorders
4. Post-traumatic stress disorder
4. Eating disorders
5. Substance abuse disorders

Mental well-being is, stress and anxiety resulting from...
1. Avoiding making decisions and taking responsibility
2. Lacking self-control
3. Managing frustration and boredom
4. Coping poorly with disappointment and sadness
5. Struggling to build and maintain relationships 
6. Lacking resilience

Mental health professionals are not your ‘friends’
Social media has changed the dynamic for mental health professionals. The illusion of ‘closeness’ that social media creates, presents a similar misconception that blurs the lines between ‘approachability’ and ‘professionalism’. While at the core, we are humans and here to educate, most of us are on social media platforms as professionals and experts. 
This means that, while people may feel like approaching professionals with questions about their life, distress or anything related to mental health, they are not your ‘friends’ who will answer those same questions as advice. Most often, these questions are extremely emotionally draining and can create conflict within an individual who wants to help out but also needs to maintain their ethical and moral code of conduct. 
By sending in extremely personal, difficult and tough questions and demanding an answer in the character limit of a text box on social media, e-mail or even over a phone conversation is extremely disrespectful of their privacy and professionalism. However, if somebody chooses to help an individual or refer them to the appropriate professional, after a proper consultation, the commitment will be made in time and finances, in a professional manner. 

Mental Health support is as much as an investment as Physical Health support
A big problem today is the ease and quickness with which people are getting certified to ‘help’ another individual with their mental and emotional needs. When you invest in mental health support you’re paying for years of experience and knowledge of the subject of Psychology. What sets apart the most effective practitioners from the rest, is that they spend incredible amount of time working on themselves and in turn are in a position to pass this knowledge and guide you with your own life. This self-work and development, is continued every single day and is an uncomfortable and tiring journey, yet one that empowers and makes them eligible to support you confidently.
Just like you pay your doctors to physically help you, your gym trainers to keep you in shape and your support staff for maintaining your lifestyle - you pay a mental health professional to support the maintenance of your mental and emotional stability. 
It’s important, that while there is an expanse of knowledge and information available at our fingertips, that we don’t abuse this power and choose to selectively confirm our own biases or get lazy with our research. Words and in turn language, have a deep impact on our perspective on life and therefore the way we interact with it as well. Educate yourself out of any ignorance, if you’re going to choose to engage. 

* The author can be contacted on Instagram @sincerelysanah