There is a quote by Imam Al-Shafi’I which I love, it says “My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.”  
If we are honest our hearts are not always at ease, they get hardened from old wounds and memories from the past. Sometimes they are shattered with such a force that it can feel as though they would forever remain broken.  
Depressed at what has passed and anxious at what was yet to come, we all feel these emotions from time to time, but I have come to understand and believe that no fear is greater than the strength within. Everything we need is within us and always has been. 
A great way to become conscious when your mind starts to wander is to focus on your breath. Deep calming breaths calm an anxious mind and have a positive impact on depression. 
Regardless if how high or low you feel, the roller-coaster of emotions you feel is not you. You are much more than that. Try to stop when you feel overwhelmed by emotions. Observe how your body feels. Are your shoulders tense? Is your breathing shallow? Come back to your breath. Breathe into the parts of the body where you feel the physical expression of the emotion. 
The more in the moment you can be you can be, the more your heart will beat ease. When you stress over the past or worry about the future, stop! Breathe and come back to the present. Remember always that this too shall pass. 
Putting your heart at ease doesn’t happen overnight, the rewriting of neural pathways takes time. If you feel like you have taken a step backwards, just breathe and reconnect with yourself. 
When I think about this quote, my heart and soul feel put to rest, because I realise there is no need to fear. There is no need for me to worry about a single thing, God has a plan for me and is always working to give me the best. Nothing good that is meant for me is ever going to miss me and anything that misses me simply wasn’t going to serve me in the way I deserve, everything is always working out for the greater good. Always.

* The author is a consultant and coach. Instagram handle: @miss_shefa,  Website:
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