The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has stressed the importance of Qatar Census 2020 for the development of the country's healthcare sector.
"The Ministry of Public Health is keen to provide excellent health services at a high level for all residents in Qatar, in order to meet their actual needs. Moreover, the MoPH works on developing and expanding such services according to changes. The results of Qatar Census 2020 are expected to have a significant impact on the development process," according to a statement issued by the Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) Sunday.
The positive co-operation of all people in Qatar, whether citizens or residents, will help provide statistical information and data, and the necessary figures about the population and different categories according to their distribution in all regions of Qatar. Thus, the MoPH will be able to develop realistic strategies that serve the actual and expected health needs of the population, including primary healthcare centres and public hospitals, while providing them with the technical equipment and appropriate medical and administrative staff to provide services as easy and soon as possible, the statement notes.
The MoPH is working to achieve the "improved health of Qatar’s population, meeting the needs of existing and future generations; through an integrated system that aims to achieve better health, better care and better value for all". Therefore, it relies heavily on official statistics and figures provided by the PSA in co-operation with several agencies interested in statistical projects, the largest of which is Qatar Census 2020.
"Hence, the positive co-operation by all groups and individuals in society, along with the efforts made in this national project, ensures the accuracy of data and helps update and develop the services provided in the field of health in line with the changing reality of the population in Qatar," the statement points out.
Huda Amer al-Katheeri, director of the Strategic Planning and Performance Department at the MoPH, explained that the results of the population censuses are of great importance in health sector plans, including the Qatar Healthcare Facilities Master Plan - a roadmap for showing the structure, standards and requirements of healthcare for the next generation.
It will also contribute significantly to developing care services in line with the needs of different groups of society, as well as laying the planning foundation for health forces to match the population in a way that helps avoid any shortage.
The Ministry of Public Health is keen to provide the appropriate number of health facilities equipped according to the latest and highest international standards in this field. It is also working to make these facilities distributed in various regions of the country in line with the current and expected future population density, based on the analysis of the statistics results of Qatar's population.
In addition, the results of population statistics studies also contribute to facilitating access to specialised and general health services; including curative, emergency and specialised qualitative services, for all population groups according to their geographical distribution.
According to the National Health Strategy 2018-2022, “seven priority population groups have been identified along with five system-wide priorities that will guide and direct action across the health sector for the next years. These priorities reflect the specific health needs of Qatar as shown by existing figures and agreed upon through a rigorous consultation process with government and health sector stakeholders. The priority setting process also took into account internationally agreed global health priorities and best practices. The priority populations reflect an investment in both the current and future generations and in particular, our most vulnerable individuals, including children, mothers, older people and those with special needs".
"The positive participation and co-operation by all, citizens and residents, to make the Qatar Census 2020 project a success by providing correct data according to any of the methods provided to them by the Planning and Statistics Authority will contribute effectively to achieving the comprehensive vision of the National Health Strategy and updating its priorities according to the variables that reflect new status of the population. It also guarantees the continuity of raising the level of quality of these services and making them accessible to all," the statement adds.
The positive co-operation of all people in Qatar, whether citizens or residents, will help provide statistical information and data, and the necessary figures about the population and different categories according to their distribution in all regions of Qatar. Thus, the MoPH will be able to develop realistic strategies that serve the actual and expected health needs of the population, including primary healthcare centres and public hospitals, while providing them with the technical equipment and appropriate medical and administrative staff to provide services as easy and soon as possible, the statement notes.
The MoPH is working to achieve the "improved health of Qatar’s population, meeting the needs of existing and future generations; through an integrated system that aims to achieve better health, better care and better value for all". Therefore, it relies heavily on official statistics and figures provided by the PSA in co-operation with several agencies interested in statistical projects, the largest of which is Qatar Census 2020.
"Hence, the positive co-operation by all groups and individuals in society, along with the efforts made in this national project, ensures the accuracy of data and helps update and develop the services provided in the field of health in line with the changing reality of the population in Qatar," the statement points out.
Huda Amer al-Katheeri, director of the Strategic Planning and Performance Department at the MoPH, explained that the results of the population censuses are of great importance in health sector plans, including the Qatar Healthcare Facilities Master Plan - a roadmap for showing the structure, standards and requirements of healthcare for the next generation.
It will also contribute significantly to developing care services in line with the needs of different groups of society, as well as laying the planning foundation for health forces to match the population in a way that helps avoid any shortage.
The Ministry of Public Health is keen to provide the appropriate number of health facilities equipped according to the latest and highest international standards in this field. It is also working to make these facilities distributed in various regions of the country in line with the current and expected future population density, based on the analysis of the statistics results of Qatar's population.
In addition, the results of population statistics studies also contribute to facilitating access to specialised and general health services; including curative, emergency and specialised qualitative services, for all population groups according to their geographical distribution.
According to the National Health Strategy 2018-2022, “seven priority population groups have been identified along with five system-wide priorities that will guide and direct action across the health sector for the next years. These priorities reflect the specific health needs of Qatar as shown by existing figures and agreed upon through a rigorous consultation process with government and health sector stakeholders. The priority setting process also took into account internationally agreed global health priorities and best practices. The priority populations reflect an investment in both the current and future generations and in particular, our most vulnerable individuals, including children, mothers, older people and those with special needs".
"The positive participation and co-operation by all, citizens and residents, to make the Qatar Census 2020 project a success by providing correct data according to any of the methods provided to them by the Planning and Statistics Authority will contribute effectively to achieving the comprehensive vision of the National Health Strategy and updating its priorities according to the variables that reflect new status of the population. It also guarantees the continuity of raising the level of quality of these services and making them accessible to all," the statement adds.