Patients with periodontitis (a type of chronic inflammation of the gums) were at least three times more likely to experience Covid-19 complications regardless of age, gender and other conditions, a latest research by a Qatar University (QU) has revealed.
The research team with Dr Nadia Maarouf, associate consultant from Hamad Dental Center, was led by QU Professor Dr Faleh Tamimi, according to a statement from QU. They investigated the records of 568 Covid-19 patients and found that a significant number who suffered severe complications and even death, had advanced periodontitis.
After adjusting for several factors such as patient's age, gender and chronic diseases, the link between periodontitis and Covid-19 complications was statistically significant.
Periodontitis is mostly caused by poor oral hygiene and lack of maintenance of the dental condition, thus the findings of the study highlight the importance of maintaining a good dental care, and the regular teeth and gum check-ups. Dentists might play an important role in prevention of the advancement of gum diseases, the statement added.