Gulf Times strongly condemns the targeted and brutal killing of Al Jazeera journalists Ismail Al Ghoul and Rami Al Rifi in Gaza on Wednesday.These journalists were not combatants; they were dedicated media professionals risking their lives to uncover the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces and report the truth from one of the most dangerous conflict zones in the world. Their deaths are a stark reminder of the extreme lengths to which the Israeli occupation forces are willing to go to suppress the free press and silence voices that bear witness to their sinister and dastardly massacres that have so far claimed more than 39,400 Palestinian lives, most of them women and children.This latest attack is not an isolated incident but part of a systematic campaign against journalists in Gaza, aimed at obstructing the flow of information and keeping the world in the dark about the atrocities being committed against the hapless people of the Strip. Such deliberate targeting of media personnel is a gross violation of international law and an assault on the very principles of press freedom and human rights.The killings of the family members of Al Jazeera Gaza Bureau Chief Wael Al-Dahdouh and journalist Shireen Abu Akleh still haunt the conscience of the world's right-minded people. According to the report of a UN-mandated investigation, Israeli forces used “lethal force without justification” when they shot and killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank, violating her “right to life”.The international community must not stand idly by as these crimes continue unabated. The killing of journalists is not just an attack on individuals but an attack on the global right to information and truth. It is imperative that Israel be held accountable for these egregious actions through international courts and legal mechanisms.Gulf Times call on all nations, human rights organizations, and media bodies to unite in condemning these heinous acts and to demand immediate action to protect journalists in conflict zones, particularly in the Palestinian territories. Furthermore, the international community must exert pressure on Israel to release all detained journalists and to cease its relentless campaign of intimidation and violence against those who courageously report the realities of Israeli aggression.The legacy of Ismail Al-Ghoul and Rami Al-Rifi, and the 165 other journalists who have been martyred in Gaza, must not be in vain. Their work to reveal the truth must be honoured and continued.