Doha Academy School hosted six graduation ceremonies across its Al Waab, Salwa and Doha International Kindergarten campuses.Students from various levels were recognised for their academic excellence and personal growth. A special focus was given to Year 12 graduates, who have completed their 'A' Level examinations and are now ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives.Highlights of the events included student marches, inspiring words from guest speakers, Qur'an readings and the distribution of special awards. In his address, principal Edward Cooper emphasised the significance of this milestone and encouraged the graduates to become authors of their own lives. He thanked the students for their hard work and wished them remarkable success in their future endeavours.Cooper said: "As always our end of year graduations for Reception, Year 6 and Year 12 students from our three schools were very well-attended and happy occasions. Regardless of the students’ ages, transitioning into Primary, Secondary, university or a workplace of course present many exciting opportunities. We are extremely proud of all of our students, as we are of our staff who support their learning journeys, and wish them every success.”Sheikha Anwar bint Nawaf al-Thani, CEO, Al Faleh Educational Holding, said: "Doha Academy is dedicated to delivering quality education and fostering the growth of every student. As we celebrate these milestones, we look forward to many more years of academic excellence and success. Congratulations to all our graduates!”
June 14, 2024 | 11:59 PM