A pattern of indirect expression of negative feelings instead of expressing them explicitly, there is a disconnect between what the owner of this character says and what he does, so it is contradictory, showing kindness and peace even though he carries tremendous aggression within him, and he resorts to certain methods to express his anger. He is irritable but withdraws quickly, looking uncomfortable. He has the power to dull his emotions.
The owners of this character always tend to hurt you on purpose and with all rudeness in the name of joking in order to hide their intentions in harassing you, sarcasm is an integral part of the passive-aggressive personality, and if you show that you are bothered, he will strongly denounce that on the pretext that it is strange how the joking annoys you.
When the negative hostile person has failed in an act knowing it, he never admits his shortcomings, and instead accuses the act itself that it cannot be finished better than that, or blames another person for not completing his work.
What are the causes of the negative aggressive personality:
Most of the time, passive aggressive behaviour arises from childhood due to the family situation in which the individual is not allowed to express anger or frustration, so curbing the feelings of children prompts them to suppress their anger and teach them, without realising, to use twisted methods to express their feelings.
How to diagnose a passive-aggressive personality
This personality type is diagnosed by specific signs of passive-aggressive behaviour that include:
1. Resentment and opposition to the orders of others.
2. Procrastination and deliberate errors in responding to others’ orders.
3. Sarcastic, sullen, or aggressive behaviour.
4. Frequent complaints about feeling unappreciated or deceived.
How to deal with negative, aggressive personalities
We should not run from what seems too complicated for us to deal with, the first thing we must do is to understand the basics of this disorder so that we can control it.
1. Do not try to change them if you are not particularly related to them.
2. Try not to take the topics personally, and always try to correct the misunderstanding that occurred with them.
3. Try to avoid getting into an argument, because you will find yourself resorting to the same passive-aggressive techniques that the other person uses.
4. If the topic is important, formaliae the discussion, and set boundaries for the person in front of you so that their style does not go too far.
All in all, if you have a person in your life with this personality disorder, try to help the person with this disorder instead of avoiding them.
* The author is a consultant in Public Relations and Personality Types. Instagram: @Tipsbyhalahill