The Indian Embassy has introduced a priority online appointment system for health workers to facilitate passport, PCC and other attestation services. The new system enables Indian healthcare workers to seek priority appointments on their preferred date and time. The gesture is a recognition for the services, being extended by health workers.
“Acknowledging their services and taking into consideration the fact that they are hard pressed for time, the embassy has introduced a separate online appointment system to facilitate passport, PCC and other attestation services on priority to Indian healthcare workers," it was tweeted on Thursday.
Their requests for appointments can be submitted through the embassy website at Appointment requests will be processed expeditiously and appointment confirmation sent on their registered email. “Embassy of India expresses its gratitude to Indian nationals working in the healthcare sector in Qatar, who are working tirelessly during the pandemic to keep everyone safe in Qatar," the tweet added.
Their requests for appointments can be submitted through the embassy website at Appointment requests will be processed expeditiously and appointment confirmation sent on their registered email. “Embassy of India expresses its gratitude to Indian nationals working in the healthcare sector in Qatar, who are working tirelessly during the pandemic to keep everyone safe in Qatar," the tweet added.