
Qatar reiterates strong condemnation of Israel's systematic violations against Palestinians

Qatar reiterates strong condemnation of Israel's systematic violations against Palestinians

July 09, 2021 | 06:11 PM
HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations in Geneva Ambassador Ali Khalfan Al Mansouri speaks at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council
Qatar has strongly condemned the systematic Israeli violations against the Palestinian people, and stressed its commitment to providing all kind of humanitarian aid and relief to the Palestinians to alleviate their suffering.This came during a speech delivered by HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations in Geneva Ambassador Ali Khalfan al-Mansouri, at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council, during an interactive dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, under the seventh article of the Council's work.Al-Mansouri said that his country's delegation thanks the special rapporteur, and condemns the Israeli authorities preventing his entrance to the occupied Palestinian land, adding that the incident proves their continued disregard of international law.He said that they strongly condemned the systematic Israeli violations committed against the Palestinian people that were mentioned in the report.Qatar also condemned the series of ethnic cleansing crimes, the oppression, the murder, and the unjust siege of Gaza that is clear for the international community to see and documented by the United Nations and rights organisations.Qatar called on the international community to assume its responsibility in implementing the recommendations mentioned in the report.He added that Qatar reiterates its support of the Palestinian people until they regain their rights based on international law and the Arab Peace Initiative, which includes the right to self-determination, the right of return, and establishing an independent state with East Al Quds as its capital.Qatar also reiterated its commitment to providing all types of humanitarian aid and relief to the Palestinian to alleviate their suffering, the latest of which was allocating $500mn towards the rebuilding of Gaza.He stressed that all international efforts taking place to reach a ceasefire will not yield any results unless the root causes, represented in ending the Israeli occupation and the human rights violations as well as the crimes of apartheid and the policies of illegal settlement, are addressed.Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his deep concern regarding yesterdays demolition of Palestinian property in the Bedouin community of Humsa Al-Baqia Spokesman for the Secretary-General Stephane Dujarric said in a press conference that Guterres said that such actions are contrary to international law and could undermine the chances for the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state.He also renewed his call on the occupation's authorities to cease demolitions and seizures of Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.The spokesman also referenced the occupation's army prevention of representatives from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), non-governmental organisations and Member States from gaining access to the community of Humsa Al-Baqia to assess the humanitarian situation.
July 09, 2021 | 06:11 PM