Chinese ambassador to Qatar Zhou Jian has extended Eid al-Adha greetings, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, His Highness the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, His Highness the Deputy Amir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Thani, to the brotherly Qatari people and all the Muslims in Qatar.
His message is as follows:
"Eid al-Adha is one of the most important festivals for Muslims. Shortly after my arrival in Qatar in 2019, it was the Eid al-Adha, I was deeply impressed by the joyful scenes of Qatari people visiting friends and families, sharing food and exchanging greetings. This year is my third Eid in Qatar. With the pandemic ongoing, I have a more profound understanding of Eid al-Adha.
"Eid al-Adha is a festival of sacrifice. I am glad to see that under the leadership of His Highness the Amir, Qatar has brought the pandemic under control, with vaccination rate ranks among the top 10 in the world, and its economy and social life back on track. These achievements could not be made without everyone’s support and co-operation to government policies, which is a vivid reflection of sacrifice in Islam. We hope everyone will continue to follow the guidelines of the government and experts to help defeat the pandemic at an early date.
"Eid al-Adha is a festival of unity. Solidarity and mutual assistance are ideals of Islam and also the basic strength of China-Qatar relations. In the fight against the pandemic, our two governments and peoples have shared weal and woe and supported each other. Our traditional friendship has been elevated and our co-operation has been on the rise.
"Last year and in the first quarter of this year, China became the largest trading partner of Qatar, marking the best period in the history of our bilateral ties. China recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. We are ready to work alongside with Qatar on a new journey of national development and revitalisation, write a new chapter of our friendship and co-operation, and bring more welfare to both countries and people.
"It is a great pleasure to once again celebrate Eid al-Adha with our Qatari brothers. I wish Qatar peace and prosperity. May China-Qatar friendship last forever! Wish the Qatari people a safe and blessed Eid with happiness and health! Eid Mubarak!"
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