A children's fantasy, penned by a 10-year-old Indian girl residing in Qatar, has been published by Amazon. 'Order of The Galaxy, The War for The Stolen Boy' is the debut work by Laiba Abdul Basit, a 5th grade student in Olive International School.
"Since a very young age Laiba has been showing inclination and interest in reading and writing," recalled her father Abdul Basit. Laiba is an ardent reader of fiction, science, religion, and biographies of prominent personalities. Some of her favourite authors include J K Rowling, Enid Blyton, and Ann Frank.
'Order of The Galaxy, The War for The Stolen Boy' revolves around four children who grew up fighting evil. After the youngest of the group, Olivia, gets burned by a flared up campfire, things start to unfold. Oliver, the oldest gets kidnapped and the others try to free him from the evil hands of Dorox Dark, who is trying to free his brother.
"Laiba inherited her passion for reading from her grandfathers Mohamed Parakkadavu and K M Abdurahim," Basit added.
'Order of The Galaxy, The War for The Stolen Boy' revolves around four children who grew up fighting evil. After the youngest of the group, Olivia, gets burned by a flared up campfire, things start to unfold. Oliver, the oldest gets kidnapped and the others try to free him from the evil hands of Dorox Dark, who is trying to free his brother.
"Laiba inherited her passion for reading from her grandfathers Mohamed Parakkadavu and K M Abdurahim," Basit added.