
Commercial Bank wins ‘Best Bank in Qatar’ award by Euromoney

Commercial Bank wins ‘Best Bank in Qatar’ award by Euromoney

July 26, 2021 | 09:48 PM
According to Euromoney, Commercial Bank stood up to be counted in a tough year in 2020, with the strong performance of the bank carrying through into 2021
Commercial Bank has received the prestigious “Best Bank” award in Qatar for 2021 from Euromoney.According to Euromoney, Commercial Bank stood up to be counted in a tough year in 2020, with the strong performance of the bank carrying through into 2021.Commenting on the win, Commercial Bank’s GCEO, Joseph Abraham, said, “This award is a testament to our continuing and successful investment in innovative digital technologies that focus on our customers’ changing banking needs in the digital age. The Covid pandemic presents both a challenge and an opportunity to demonstrate resilience and provide our clients with world-class banking services, particularly in the digital field. “The investment we have made in our business under our five-year strategic plan means that Commercial Bank is able to swiftly adapt to the new operating environment and well placed to capture the fundamental shift in customer behaviour towards digital channels. I would like to thank our clients for their continued loyalty to Commercial Bank and our staff for their dedication and innovation in this challenging year.”Commercial Bank’s focus on innovation and its pioneering role in digital banking innovation has led to the bank achieving the “Best Bank” award in Qatar by Global Finance earlier this year, and the “Most Innovative Customer Service Bank” award in Qatar by International Finance. Adding this new award to Commercial Bank’s recent awards and success stories, the bank continues to lead the digital banking scene in Qatar and introduce state of the art products and services to the Qatari market.
July 26, 2021 | 09:48 PM