
CRA approves wholesale charges for telecom networks services and products for 2021, 2022, 2023

CRA approves wholesale charges for telecom networks services and products for 2021, 2022, 2023

August 02, 2021 | 06:55 PM
CRA president Mohamed Ali al-Mannai.
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) issued an order to direct Ooredoo Qatar and Vodafone Qatar to implement specific wholesale charges for 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Wholesale charges are the price that telecom service providers pay to each other to interconnect and access their networks, for example, termination services, interconnection link services, transmission link services, and duct products. The CRA issued the order with the aim of maintaining a competitive, fair, and developing telecom sector in Qatar.Under this order, the telecom service providers started implementing the set wholesale charges from June 1, 2021. The CRA’s order will remain in effect until the CRA issues another order amending the wholesale charges. The new charges supersede the previous ones and are applicable for telecom service providers’ Reference Offers approved by the CRA.“The CRA was keen that the prices for wholesale services approved by the CRA are in line with international regulatory best practices to ensure the provision of advanced and reliable telecom services across Qatar and building a competitive and innovative Qatari telecom sector that attracts investment. “For fixed termination, prices will remain stable for 2021, 2022, and 2023, while mobile termination prices will decrease by 11%, 12%, and 13%, respectively in the same period,” said CRA president Mohamed Ali al-Mannai.
August 02, 2021 | 06:55 PM