
Qatar Charity to hold series of events on Humanitarian Day

Qatar Charity to hold series of events on Humanitarian Day

August 16, 2021 | 11:13 PM
QC, in co-operation with Qatar University, will virtually organise the Humanitarian Work Forum 2021 on August 18 and 19, with participation from high-ranking personalities in and outside Qatar.
Qatar Charity (QC) is set to hold a series of events, in co-operation with international humanitarian organisations and academic institutions within and outside Qatar, to mark World Humanitarian Day on August 19. QC, in co-operation with Qatar University, will virtually organise the Humanitarian Work Forum 2021 on August 18 and 19, with participation from high-ranking personalities in and outside Qatar.
The forum is considered to be the first initiative of its kind in Qatar as it contains an important educational and cognitive effort and will be attended by an elite group of specialists, experts, and guests. It will include several presentations and panel discussions. The forum will shed light on the challenges facing humanitarian organisations, their workers and volunteers, and seek to find solutions to these challenges, and follow the best means and safest methods to deliver humanitarian services globally.The forum aims to contribute to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of providing humanitarian services through effective partnerships in humanitarian work, and harnessing innovation and technological development. It is also keen to further improve sustainable funding for humanitarian organisations, participation, and localisation of aid; building local capacities; and exchanging experiences. The forum will focus on partnerships in humanitarian and voluntary work, the role of technology in developing humanitarian and volunteer work, and attracting and training humanitarian workers.Among those who are expected to take part in the forum are the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA), United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Committee of the Red Cross, Unicef, Qatar Red Crescent Society, International Islamic Charity Organisation, Direct Aid Association, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar Computing Research Institute, and Refinitiv Qatar. In line with its efforts to enhance its presence in the international humanitarian system, QC is participating in #TheHumanRace challenge launched by UN OCHA to mark World Humanitarian Day 2021. The Human Race is a global challenge for climate action in solidarity with people who are climate-vulnerable and will be used to put pressure on policy-makers ahead of the UN climate summit (COP26).On this occasion, QC invites its staff to partake in the challenge by joining The Human Race challenge on Strava App, and logging 100 minutes of a sport activity of their choice. Yesterday (August 16), QC launched an intensive social media campaign on the challenge and on climate change. It will run until August 31, and QC will publish two posts each day. QC is also working on producing two awareness videos on World Humanitarian Day and the challenges of climate change in Arabic and English. The videos will be published on QC’s social media accounts, in conjunction with World Humanitarian Day. Producing the videos is a continuation of the media and awareness efforts that QC carries out in the framework of the celebration of international days throughout the year.
August 16, 2021 | 11:13 PM