
Trudeau rival gaining ?popularity, reveal polls

Trudeau rival gaining ?popularity, reveal polls

August 30, 2021 | 12:09 AM
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a campaign event at VeriForm in Cambridge, Ontario, yesterday.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party appears to be ceding popularity to its Conservative rivals, according to polls published, with early elections only weeks away.The Conservatives of Erin O’Toole, the main opposition party, took a slim lead as support for the Liberals has eroded in recent days, according to a tracking survey by Nanos Research conducted for the CTV network and the daily Globe and Mail.The poll shows Conservatives favoured by 33.3% of eligible voters, to 30.8% for Trudeau’s Liberals, a difference just within the poll’s margin of error but reflecting a steady swing away from the Liberals in recent days.In mid-August, when Trudeau announced plans to hold an early election on September 20 — less than two years after the last federal ballot — his Liberals held a small lead.But Trudeau’s hopes of regaining a majority in the House of Commons appear a bit more tenuous today, Nik Nanos, founder of the eponymous polling firm, told CTV.“It looks like the Conservatives are now gaining the upper hand and there is definitely negative pressure on the Liberals,” he said.The CBC public network’s poll tracker also showed a narrow but growing shift in favour of the Conservatives, giving them a lead of 32.5% to 32.2%.The Nanos poll put the left-leaning New Democratic Party in third position, supported by 21.7% of eligible voters.The CBC tracker had the New Democrats at 20.2%.Nanos showed O’Toole, who is still relatively unknown among the general public, with a rising approval rating, up 3.2 points to 27.2% since August 23.Approval for Trudeau slid by 2.8%, to 29.9%, over the same period.

August 30, 2021 | 12:09 AM