According to the Cambridge dictionary a blessing in disguise is defined as “something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later.”
Just before I left Doha for my summer holiday, something I had really been waiting on had gone terribly wrong. Now a few days have passed and I am reflecting on it, I am reminding myself that bad things can happen to you in life that actually are good things, you just don’t realise it at the time.
Difficulties show us what’s important in life. They give you the extra motivation to do things you may be thinking about doing but never got around to doing. Sometimes small setbacks are major blessings in disguise.
Bad things can end up changing our lives for the better and our perspective, they can end up enhancing our determination and dedication to achieving our goals.
Being thankful for your disappointment is very challenging, but in reality it’s our only option, it’s a catalyst for personal growth. That’s what happened to me and it can happen to you.
By looking back over our lives and counting our blessings in disguise, we stop seeing ourselves as victims. The next time something “bad” happens to you, just pause and say to yourself, “Maybe. It might actually be a good thing.” Recognise that you are making a snap judgment and that you cannot see the full picture just yet. As the saying goes, time will tell.
The reality is that no blessing is disguised. Everything that is happening in our lives is always for our highest good. The disguise is the creation of our own mind, sometimes out limited perspective goes directly to negativity where there is none and reacts in fear. That fear blinds us to the fact that our personal growth and evolution sometimes requires that we undergo change — including, on occasion, change in the form of pain or struggle or loss. But the blessings were there all along. It was our own fear that hid them.
* The author is a Life & Business coach. Instagram handle: @miss_shefa, Website:
The reality is that no blessing is disguised. Everything that is happening in our lives is always for our highest good.