Qatar on Tuesday handed over the Arab League's presidency to Kuwait during the 156th session of the League in Cairo.
HE Qatar's Permanent Representative to the Arab League ambassador Salem Mubarak al-Shafi handed over the presidency to Kuwait's Permanent Representative ambassador Ahmad Abdul Rahman al-Baker, in preparation for the Arab League's meetings at the level of foreign ministers scheduled for on Thursday.
In a speech before handing over the presidency, HE al-Shafi said that Arab nations are going through rapid developments, the effects of which are certainly reflected on all its vital issues, foremost of which is the Palestine cause, which still represents the first Arab issue that cannot be circumvented or undermine its status and symbolism among the Arab people.
He reiterated Qatar's firm and supportive stance for the Palestine cause and the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, foremost of which is their right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative and the foundations on which it was based, foremost of which is the two-state solution.
He said that Qatar, while presiding over the work of the 155th ordinary session of the Arab League, did not hesitate to make any effort to support the cause of Palestine, in co-ordination and co-operation with brotherly Arab countries.
In this regard, Qatar chaired an extraordinary meeting at the level of foreign ministers, at Palestine's request on May 11, 2021 to discuss Israeli crimes and attacks in the occupied city of Jerusalem, Islamic and Christian sanctities, and attacks on worshipers.
In addition, the brutal attacks and plans to seize homes, especially in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, in an attempt to empty Jerusalem and displace its people, His Excellency added.
His Excellency added that His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani allocated a grant of $500mn in May for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, as well as to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the brotherly Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
Qatar will continue to support the brotherly Palestinian people until they obtain all their rights, foremost of which is the establishment of their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, His Excellency said.
HE al-Shafi reiterated Qatar's firm position regarding the unity, sovereignty, and stability of Yemen, adding that that was why Yemeni parties must engage in a dialogue based on the outcomes of the national dialogue, the GCC initiative, and UN Resolutions, especially Resolution No. 2216 in order to realise the aspirations of the Yemeni people for security, stability, and unity.
Regarding Syria, the ambassador said that the humanitarian, moral and legal crisis should compel the international community to urgently work on a political resolution that protects against further bloodshed in the country.
He added that a political resolution must also meet the Syrians aspirations for justice and freedom, and maintains the country's unity and sovereignty in line with the statement of the Geneva 1 conference on Syria and related UN resolutions.
He also stressed Qatar's commitment to Libya's sovereignty, stability, and unity.
He added that Qatar welcomes any Arab, regional, and international effort that paves the way for general elections in Libya in December, in order to boost stability in the country.
As for Somalia, he said that Qatar's position has always been to respect the sovereignty and unity of Somalia.
He said that Qatar's position is also to continue to support the government and the people of Somalia in realising their hopes and aspirations of building their country and guaranteeing a prosperous future for the coming generations.
This sessions meeting will discuss a number of topics, led by the Palestinian cause as well as developments in Syria, Yemen, and Libya.
The meeting will also focus on showing solidarity with Lebanon, navigation security and energy supplies in the Arabian Gulf region.
The meetings agenda also includes articles related to supporting development and peace in Sudan, Somalia, and Comoros.
It will also touch on enhancing co-operation between Arab countries, and their African and European counterparts.
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