
Qatar sends urgent medical aid to Iran

Qatar sends urgent medical aid to Iran

September 22, 2021 | 05:51 PM

A cargo plane loaded with urgent medical aid provided by the State of Qatar through Qatar Fund for Development has arrived in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the context of supporting Iran's efforts to confront the outbreak of COVID-19.

Waiting for the arrival of the cargo were Undersecretary of the Iranian Health Ministry for International Cooperation Affairs Jalal Naeli and Charg d'Affairs of the Embassy of the State of Qatar to Iran Dr. Abdullah Salem Al Nuaimi.

The aid, which weighs 3.5 tons, includes materials and medical supplies to combat the outbreak of the pandemic.

It is worth noting that this shipment is the fifth provided by the State of Qatar, through the Fund, to the Islamic Republic of Iran since the outbreak of the pandemic.

This medical aid provided by the State of Qatar to fraternal and friendly counties comes within the framework of the Qatari efforts to combat the spread of this pandemic, which represents a common threat facing the whole world. This aid also emphasizes the State of Qatar's support for fraternal and friendly countries and its assistance to them to overcome this crisis.

September 22, 2021 | 05:51 PM