Josep Borrell, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has expressed gratitude for the "crucial role" that Qatar and Qatar Airways have played in helping with the repatriation of European Union citizens during Covid-19 crisis and recently with the evacuation of European Union citizens and vulnerable Afghans from Kabul.
He made the observation while addressing a joint press conference in Doha yesterday with HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani.
"Being here, I want especially to express our deep gratitude for the crucial role that Qatar and Qatar Airways played in helping with the repatriations of European Union citizens twice. First, at the worst moment of the Covid-19 pandemic, when you were playing an important role, your planes and your hub, your airport, to repatriate our people; and recently, with the evacuation of European Union citizens and vulnerable Afghans from Kabul," he said.
Borrell said "Afghanistan has played a very important role in our talks, because Qatar is a country that plays a strategic role in dealing with the new situation in Afghanistan".
"You are playing an important role in facilitating interactions with the authorities in Kabul and the Western world. You did it during the evacuations; you are doing that keeping the airport in Kabul open, and I am sure you will continue doing that ensuring not only safe passage for those who need, but also the delivery of humanitarian support and also with all contacts and engagement needed in support of the Afghan people," he noted.
He also expressed dissatisfaction with the recent executions in Afghanistan, stressing that it is frustrating and disappointing, and that there is a need to re-modify the behaviour of the Afghan government and for the EU countries to have an influence on this matter.
He congratulated Qatar on the Shura Council election. "We welcome this important step and I wish the Qatari government and Qatari people success in them."
He also praised the efforts made by Qatar to improve the conditions of migrant workers, "We have encouraged and welcomed."
"I want to congratulate you, Minister, for your overall good progress on Covid-19 vaccination. I am glad that Qatar was added to the list of safe countries to travel to Europe. I think that we have an ambition for a broader and more strategic partnership with Qatar. This includes the big issues of our time: climate change, green transition, renewable energy, connectivity and to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic," he said.
On the resumption of the talks on the Iranian nuclear agreement, and when it will take place, he indicated that during his meeting with the new Iranian foreign minister, it became clear to him that the matter could be done through the request of the JCPOA states parties and as a coordinator of these discussions, he expected the talks will resume at a time that will be acceptable to all.
"A second issue of mutual interest is the JCPOA Iran nuclear deal. This is a key moment for the nuclear deal and we continue working towards a quick resumption of the negotiations in Vienna. There, also, you can play an important role on pushing these negotiations to resume as soon as possible. We both know that the Iranians are ready to re-engage, to resume the negotiations, but it has to be done as quickly as possible," he said.
Borrell added, "We have the COP26 in Glasgow soon and we are launching this Global Methane Pledge, setting a global reduction target of at least 30% below 2020 levels, and we hope that Qatar can join in this effort." (With inputs from QNA)
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