
Qataris vote with zeal in first-ever Shura elections

Qataris vote with zeal in first-ever Shura elections

October 03, 2021 | 12:21 AM
Snapshots from the polling stations Qataris turned up at polling stations with much enthusiasm to cast their votes in the first-ever Shura Council elections Saturday. The voting process was well-organised and went off smoothly. PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam and Noushad Thekkayil
* Citizens from all walks of life turned up at the polling centres across the 30 constituencies keen to exercise their right
The poll process in the first-ever elections of the Shura Council that lasted from 8am until 6pm Saturday saw a steady stream of Qatari voters. Representing all the categories of the society, voters were keen and enthusiastic to exercise their ballot in a democratic process shaping a new milestone in the modern history of the country.The participation of young Qataris and women in particular was remarkably high. Even the elderly, people with specially needs and those who seemed to have serious health problems and require special assistance were in attendance to practice their rights and be a part what has been described as a festival of democracy. The election is said to usher in a new era of hope, prosperity and progress in the country, where the voice of all the citizens of the country will be heard at the top levels of decision and law making through representatives of their own choice.
The electoral process throughout the 30 constituencies spread across the various parts of the country was well organised with a vast majority of voters stressing that polling was a hassle-free process. The entire process took only around five minutes on average from the time of arriving at the voting centre, casting the ballot and exiting the facility. Salaman al-Sulaiti, a senior Qatari citizen and retired educationalist, was keen to cast his vote accompanied by his son Dr Ahmed al-Sulaiti. He stressed that the principle of Shura has been there in the Qatari society and it is an integral part of the Constitution and this particular election will reflect positively on all the sectors of the country as the elected members are expected to share and communicate the hopes and aspirations of the people to be translated into effective laws and legislations.Similarly, Dr Ahmed al-Sulaiti said that young generations in Qatar will be further encouraged to be more engaged into public life due to these elections. He stressed that the council in this way will have a better view when reviewing and revising the legislation that will affect the lives of people positively. Saad Najaem al-Sulaiti, a Qatari young man, said that the process of voting was very smooth and he and his peers have been keen to play their part as it is considered a key stage in the history of the country. The same was shared by young Qatari man Hamid al-Sulaiti, who described the process as transparent, quiet and an excellent experience to be proud of as a Qatari man.Faisal Mohamed Shaheen al-Sulaiti noted that the issues of young people in the country were among the top priority of the candidates and all of them gave different noteworthy ideas and suggestions to help young people find practical solutions for their issues of concern including jobs, the high cost of marriage, and the various related social issues that need to be addressed to improve their lives.Eng Jassim Abdulla al-Malki, current member of the Central Municipal Council and one of the longest serving members at the CMC, said that after the success of the CMC elections experiences over the past years, the wise leadership in the country has seen that the people are ready to go for the first elected Shura Council. He also stressed that is a very important initiative to enhance the popular participation at the highest levels of the process of decision-making. He said that Qatari women has played a great role in all the sectors of the country and their votes have been greatly influential in the CMC elections and expected to be also highly influential in these elections as it is very clear that many of them were keen to vote. Besides, Qatari women have been highly successful as CMC elected members. Al-Malki said that new council will continue to gain more and more experiences and develop its performance as the elected members will have to get more engaged with the people in their constituencies to convey their demands and needs, which will reflected positively on the overall progress and development in the country.In the meantime, the process of voting went smoothly. Each electoral constituency committee was headed by a judge and had two members representing the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Justice. Men and women had separate entrances, and the elderly and the people with special needs were given special access, offering them all the necessary assistance from the moment they arrive at the voting centre until they cast their votes and exit the place safely. The traffic patrols and security personnel maintained an orderly entry and exit at all the times and the organising committee volunteers helped in all the processes to maintain seamless operations. The event was covered live by Qatar TV, Al Rayyan TV and Qatar Radio among other media channels and platforms, which covered all the constituencies and held side interviews with some voters and senior officials and experts in the field. Further, all the top officials, dignitaries and VIPs were keen to cast their votes at their respective constituency in a transparent way.
October 03, 2021 | 12:21 AM