
Qatar’s IPI jumps 1.8% m-o-m in August

Qatar’s IPI jumps 1.8% m-o-m in August

October 20, 2021 | 12:28 AM
Robust output expansion, especially in cement, printing, beverages and food products, as well as higher extraction of hydrocarbons, led Doha's industrial production index (IPI) jump 1.8% month-on-month in August, according to the Planning and Statistics Authority
Robust output expansion, especially in cement, printing, beverages and food products, as well as higher extraction of hydrocarbons, led Doha's industrial production index (IPI) jump 1.8% month-on-month in August, according to the Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA).The country’s IPI however saw a 2% year-on-year shrinkage in August 2021. The PSA introduced IPI, a short-term quantitative index that measures the changes in the volume of production of a selected basket of industrial products over a given period with respect to a base period 2013.The mining and quarrying index, which has a relative weight of 83.6%, saw a 1.7% increase on a monthly basis owing to a 1.7% expansion in the extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, and 8.9% in other mining and quarrying sectors.On a yearly basis, the index showed a 2.1% decline owing to a 2.1% decrease in the extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; while there was a 14.8% growth in other mining and quarrying sectors.The manufacturing index, with a relative weight of 15.2%, was up 1.8% month-on-month in August 2021 on account of 10.2% surge in the production of cement and other non-metallic mineral products, 9.7% in printing and reproduction of recorded media, 8.4% in beverages, 4% in basic metals, 3.6% in food products, 2.6% in refined petroleum products and 0.6% in chemicals and chemical products; even as there was a 3% decline in the production of rubber and plastics products.On a yearly basis, the manufacturing index fell 1.1% in August this year owing to a 9.9% in the production of petroleum products, 8.3% in beverages, 3.7% in food products and 2.7% in chemicals and chemical products.Nevertheless, there was 26.1% expansion in the production of cement and other non-metallic mineral products, 12.1% in basic metals, 9.7% in printing and reproduction of recorded media and 3.2% in rubber and plastics products.Electricity, which has 0.7% weight in the IPI basket, saw its index zoom 2.1% and 1.8% month-on-month and year-on-year respectively this August.In the case of water, which has a 0.5% weight, there was a 1.6% and 22.3% decrease on a monthly and yearly basis respectively in August 2021.(Ends)
October 20, 2021 | 12:28 AM