HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held at its seat at the Amiri Diwan Wednesday. Following the meeting, HE the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Mohamed bin Abdullah bin al-Yousef al-Sulaiti issued the following statement:At the outset of the meeting, HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior welcomed their excellencies the new ministers and congratulated them on the precious trust that His Highness the Amir gave them, wishing them success in performing their duties, and expressing thanks and appreciation to the former ministers for their appreciable effort in the service of the country.HE the Prime Minister stressed that the recent amendments reflect the vision of the wise leadership in defining the priorities of the government's work in the next phase to carry out its duty towards the homeland and the citizen in order to achieve the objectives of Qatar National Vision 2030.Afterwards, the Cabinet considered the topics listed on its agenda as follows:First — Approval of:1- A draft law amending some provisions of the code of criminal procedure promulgated by Law No.23 of 2004.2- A draft decision of the Minister of Interior regulating the issuance of a certificate of good conduct.Second — Approval of:1- A draft agreement regulating the employment of workers between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Mozambique.2- A draft letter of intent on joint co-operation between the Civil Aviation Authority of Qatar and the Air Navigation Services Agency of Poland.Third — The Cabinet reviewed the results of the following meetings and took the appropriate decision:1- The meetings of the committees of the ministers of education and the ministers of higher education and scientific research in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries (September 2021, via videoconferencing).2- The meetings of the committees of labor ministers and ministers of social affairs and development in the GCC countries (September 2021, via videoconferencing).
October 20, 2021 | 03:45 PM