
Birla Public School bids farewell to A P Sharma

Birla Public School bids farewell to A P Sharma

October 29, 2021 | 08:11 PM
Birla Public School organised farewells for outgoing principal A P Sharma in the last week of his official tenure.
Birla Public School organised farewells for outgoing principal A P Sharma in the last week of his official tenure. “Your student-friendly approach and understanding of the background of each student showing extra concern for those having problems – both academic and personal – will be lovingly remembered for a long time to come,” chairman Gope Shahani told a function.
The programme began with a prayer by Bhoomi Naidu (Grade XII). Vice principal (academics) Edna Fernandez welcomed. Indian embassy counsellor Angeline Premalatha, first secretary Sachin Dinkar Shankpal, school directors C V Rappai, Lukose K Chacko, life members Walter Dias, Nilangshu Dey, Bhavan's Public School principal M P Philip and former head boy Varun Advani spoke. Life member H P Singh Bhullar, management representative Nevile Lukose and principals of other Indian schools in Qatar were present.Music teacher John and grade XII students Shyamanti, Huda and Anugaraha presented a few songs. Academic director - principal Harish Sanduja addressed the assembly. Sharma conveyed his valuable thoughts and gratitude. Vice principal (co-scholastics) Rajesh Pillai, the master of ceremony, proposed a vote of thanks. At a farewell ceremony organised by the staff members, director Dr Mohan Thomas said: “Bidding farewell is difficult but Birla wishes A P Sharma all the best for all his future endeavours.” Primary 1 and 2 and the Students Council of the school had arranged separate farewells earlier in the week.
October 29, 2021 | 08:11 PM