
QU Library introduces Dr Ahmed al Obaidan's Collection

QU Library introduces Dr Ahmed Obaidan's Collection

November 15, 2021 | 11:03 PM
Dignitaries at the inauguration of the late Dr Ahmed al Obaidan's collection at Qatar University Library
Qatar University Library (QUL) inaugurated the late Dr Ahmed al-Obaidan's book collection, comprising more than 20,000 volumes that covers topics including literature, poetry, Sharia, jurisprudence, interpretations, and history.
The unique collection is donated to QUL to enrich the Qatari as well as the general collection. Titles include valuable books, periodicals, and documents in many different fields of knowledge.
The collection was inaugurated by QU president Dr Hassan bin Rashid al-Derham in the presence of a number of dignitaries including HE Dr Hajar Albinali, HE Dr Mohamed Abdul Rahim Kafoud, HE Dr Mohamed al-Sada, Yousef Kassim Darwish, Youssef Mohamed al-Darwich and Jassim Ibrahim Qassim Fakhroo.Speaking on the occasion, Dr al-Derham lauded the humanitarian and cultural initiative of bestowing such a rich collection of books to QUL. "This is a new tradition that serves the present and future generations, and is an ongoing charity," he said while expressing gratitude to the late Dr al Obaidan's family for their noble gesture.Professor Asma al-Buainain, director of the University Libraries Department, described that the late Dr al Obaidan's book collection will enrich the Qatar University Library, as it contains encyclopedias and rare books related to Qatar. QUL has a special hall for books and Qatari publications.Buthaina Ibrahim Muhammad al-Langawi, wife of the late Dr al Obaidan and the initiator of the book collection's donation, thanked all those who shared her husband's passion for science and knowledge.She explained that the expansion and dissemination of science is one of the noble goals that made her plan and then implement this idea, and she found support from everyone.The ceremony also included a screening of the library’s transfer video, and snapshots of the biography of the late Dr al Obaidan. The guests were presented with a luxurious edition of the late Dr al Obaidan's book about Qatari proverbs, first published in 1985 and subsequently reprinted by his family after his death.
November 15, 2021 | 11:03 PM