
Pak Shamaa School marks Traffic Day

Pak Shamaa School marks Traffic Day

November 19, 2021 | 10:58 PM
Students participating in the initiative.
Pak Shamaa School arranged a road safety practical activity to mark Traffic Day under the supervision of Nazakat along with her staff members for kindergarten students.
"Educating children on road safety is a critical aspect of youth education, as it directly affects their physical safety and well-being as they grow up and become independent. Instead of isolated conferences and demonstrations, road safety is something that has to be done on an ongoing and sometimes subtle basis," the school said in a statement.
Students were taught about road signals as well the rules to cross a pedestrian track. "It is paramount that children are aware of the basic traffic signs and signals. The ability to interpret basic signs can be the foundation for a long-running education and exposure to the larger set of rules associated with road traffic safety," the statement noted.Road safety for children starts with the importance of presence of mind. They need to be taught to pay attention to their surroundings and be responsive to their senses, it added.Model of cars and buses were made for the activity and students were made aware of car horns and engine sounds indicating the approach of a vehicle even before it is visible. Students were also taught to listen to them while crossing.Principal Nabila Kaukab paid a visit along with the wing co-ordinators and appreciated the efforts of staff members and students to make this activity a success.
November 19, 2021 | 10:58 PM