
Cabinet approves social security draft law

Cabinet approves social security draft law

November 24, 2021 | 04:43 PM
HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani
*Cabinet also approves military retirement draft law *Minimum pension shall not be less than QR15,000 *Insurance coverage expanded to include citizens working in the private sector *Reward to pensioners whose service period exceeds 30 years *Scope for pensioners to get increments and loans
The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the social security draft law and the military retirement draft law and referred them to the Shura Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.The two draft laws come in implementation of the lofty directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to establish an effective social protection system for all Qataris to face the burdens of life, meet the aspirations of retirees and ensure a decent life for them.The draft laws aim to enhance social protection for the Qatari citizen to secure a decent life for him and his family through the development of a comprehensive regulation of the rights of retirees.The most prominent provisions of the draft laws are the following: 1- Expanding the scope of insurance coverage to include all citizens working in the public and private sectors. 2- The minimum pension shall not be less than QR15,000. 3- Adding the housing allowance as an allowance to the contribution account pot to include (the basic salary, social allowance, housing allowance), and adding the specialisation allowance for the military. 4- Granting a reward to the pensioner whose service period exceeds 30 years, in accordance with the regulations set by the two draft laws. 5- Allowing the pensioner to combine the pension with the salary of the job, in the case of working in the private sector. 6- Allowing a person whose service has ended, and who does not meet the conditions for entitlement to a pension, to purchase a nominal service period to be added to his actual period of service for entitlement to a pension, in accordance with the regulations set by the two draft laws. 7- Excluding the insured woman from the reduction of the pension in case of resignation, if the resignation was due to the care of one or more children with disabilities, in accordance with the regulations set by the two draft laws. 8- Calculating the pension of the insured in the private sector to be based on the average salary of the last three years, to ensure the highest average. 9- Increasing the percentage of the widow's share to 100% of the pension in the event that there are no other beneficiaries of the pension. 10- Permissibility of granting a periodic pension increment by a decision of the Cabinet. 11- Permissibility of granting loans to pensioners in accordance with the regulations set by the two draft laws.HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held at its seat at the Amiri Diwan Wednesday.Following the meeting, HE the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Mohamed bin Abdullah al-Sulaiti, in a statement said at the outset of the meeting, the Cabinet praised the results of the talks between His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Sultan Haitham bin Tariq of the Sultanate of Oman, which took place within the framework of the Sultan's state visit to Doha on Nov. 22-23.The Cabinet affirmed that Sultan Haitham bin Tariq's visit to Qatar represents the depth and strength of the historical relations established between the two countries, as well as reflecting the understanding, consensus, sincere desire and common interest in developing and expanding these relations, in addition to enhancing them in various fields.The Cabinet also pointed out that the joint statement issued at the conclusion of the Sultan's visit, and the agreements and memorandum of understanding that were signed during it, established a new stage in relations between the two countries and opened up wider horizons for the good of their two brotherly peoples in a way that enhances joint Gulf action and contributes to maintaining the security and stability of the region and the welfare of its peoples.HE the Minister of Public Health briefed the Cabinet on the latest developments in efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19, and affirmed the continuation of the precautionary measures underway to combat the pandemic. The Cabinet decided to take the necessary measures to ratify:1- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of sports between the Government of Qatar and the Government of Ghana.2- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of youth between the government of Qatar and the government of Ghana.
November 24, 2021 | 04:43 PM