I admire how the first families were able to settle in different places where they had to adapt to the changes, within a surrounding that was full of challenges. This is the example of a country like Qatar.
With the passing of the centuries, the geographical fluctuations affected directly the Homo sapiens pushing them to adapt to the constant changes that the environment was confronting and is continuously being preserved making it a difficult challenge to face.
We become aware that this environment must be cared for, not only by the countries, but by the entire international organised communities, accompanied by a law of international treaties, in which it stands out the Paris Agreement adopted by 196 parties (COP21) in the capital of France on Dec 12, 2015, and Nov 4, 2016.
We have witnessed on October of this year, the meeting of leaders in the capital of Scotland, Glasgow where Qatar under the leadership of its Amir, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, has dialogued and insisted on achieving concrete objectives in this aspect of the international agenda that urges for a quick response to the world, offering Qatar’s full attention regarding this relevant matter.
In Qatar, the importance of the environment protection is an essential part of the country’s future development plan for the economic and social growth that is part of Qatar National Vision 2030. According to the supreme law of Qatar, “The State shall conserve the environment and the natural balance thereof in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development for all generations.”
On the other side, we consider Qatar one of the examples to follow and how we must preserve an appropriate environment for the present and for the future.
Recently, we participated in the initiative to plant 1mn trees, which has been recognised Guinness World Rrecords title for Most Nationalities Planting Trees Simultaneously in Qatar. We will have in this magnificent country more places where we can experience that coexistence to improve our environment.
This great campaign’s purpose was to emphasise on the protection and preservation of the environment as it is everyone’s social responsibility. The initiative objectives is also to increase green areas, improve quality of life at large through environment protection, and improve air quality through minimising carbon emissions and its negative impacts on climate change promoting a better human and wild life that we can enjoy and appreciate in the land of Qatar.
Consequently, having an appropriate habitat attracts many species of birds that immigrate throughout the year within the Qatar territory.
In addition, we must highlight the great work that both the Ministry of Municipality and the Public Park Department interest into keeping the Qatari environment serene by help reducing the chances of pollution, preserves public areas and resist desertification.
I have personally met with the Minister of Municipality HE Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie who has walked me through its agenda on putting all the efforts to keep our environment safe and sound. I was fortunate enough to receive a special publication from the ministry that allowed me to discover the presence of Peruvian trees planted in Qatar: Yellow Oleander (Thevetia Peruviana); Gishta (Tropical American Tree: Amona Squamosal); Peruvian Pepper Tree (Schinus Molle).
*Peruvian Pepper Tree grows successfully in Qatar, it is drought and high salinity resistant and can grow in a wide range of soils types in addition it can tolerates high calcium content in soil.
In Peru, the protection of the environment is as significant as in Qatar. The ministry of environment is working to promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, the enhancement of biological diversity and environmental quality for the benefit of the Peruvian people and the environment in a decentralised and articulated manner with public and private organisations and civil society, in the green growth framework and environmental governance considering that the environmental dimension is a key factor in social and economic development of my country. Part of these efforts has been achieved thanks to the international co-operation that allows the conservation our 84 ecosystems out 103 that exists on planet earth.

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