
Thai-Qatar friendly ties highlighted

Thai-Qatar friendly ties highlighted

December 05, 2021 | 10:27 PM
Thai ambassador Nathapol Khantahiran
The Thailand embassy in Doha highlighted the four decades of friendly and cordial relations between Qatar and Thailand to mark the latter’s National Day on Sunday.
“Our excellent bilateral relations have been manifested at many levels ranging from the royal family level, government-to-government level, and people-to-people level. This paves a strong foundation for close ties between the two countries," Thai ambassador Nathapol Khantahiran said in a statement.. “This is the reason why Qatar and Thailand have set up a mechanism of Political Consultations and High-Level Joint Commission as a framework to discuss our co-operation, not only for bilateral relations, but also international issues where Qatar and Thailand could help each other to solve global challenges and promote mutual prosperity,” the envoy explained.He noted that Thailand, “as a country of agriculture-based economy, and developing itself to be the world’s major food producers and exporters”, has been working continuously aimed at eradicating poverty and elevating “people’s well-being through sustainable development goals as appeared in the United Nations’ framework. “In this regard, we praise the role of Qatar in the same manner, which shows remarkable contribution on many international issues; humanitarian assistance, sustainable development, environmental awareness and preservation, and recently the conflict solution process or peace-making in Afghanistan issue,” the envoy said.“On the occasion of the National Day of Thailand on 5th December, which is a triple celebration for Thai people as we celebrate the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great and the Father’s Day in Thailand, Thai people around the world pay tribute to the royal monarch whose legacy still lives on until present day through several royal-initiated projects and the “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” bestowed upon the Thai people. “On this very auspicious occasion, the Royal Thai Embassy in Doha and the Thai community in Qatar would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to His Highness the Amir of Qatar, the Government of Qatar, and Qatari friends in the promotion of our two countries' relations. “I am sure that, with the existing bonds of friendship between Thailand and Qatar and with the goals and excellence that the two countries have achieved, we shall successfully turn any crisis to opportunities by strengthening more ties and deepen our cooperation in all aspects,” the envoy added.
December 05, 2021 | 10:27 PM