
QSTP-funded startup proves value of technology, innovation, startup ecosystem in Qatar

QSTP-funded startup proves value of technology, innovation, startup ecosystem in Qatar

December 13, 2021 | 06:41 PM
Members of the Meddy team
Qatar-based doctor booking platform, Meddy Inc, has announced that it will be acquired by Africa-based leading healthcare technology provider, Helium Health.“Meddy’s acquisition is a reflection on the evolving maturity and resilience of Qatar’s startup and innovation ecosystem,” said Yosouf al-Salehi, Executive Director, QSTP, part of Qatar Foundation Research, Development and Innovation (QF RDI). “It demonstrates the confidence in technologies that have been developed by local innovators, which are delivering global impact and now expanding outside of Qatar, both regionally and internationally,” al-Salehi said.Meddy COO Abed Khattab said, “Digitising healthcare is proving to be crucial to addressing many of our current struggles and setbacks in the healthcare industry. And Meddy is a leading player in digital healthcare, providing solutions to both patients and healthcare facilities to help move Qatar and the wider region towards a healthier and brighter future.”Its solutions include a doctor booking platform and telemedicine product to manage bookings and patient reviews, as well as marketing solutions for hospitals to improve their online presence and attract new patients. To date, the company has facilitated more than 200,000 bookings, while enabling healthcare providers to generate approximately $130mn in billings.Meddy started as a university project at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q), part of Qatar Foundation’s Education City. The company was incubated at QSTP, before receiving investment via QSTP’s Tech Venture Fund (TVF). “Meddy is the perfect example of a startup that has been able to take advantage of various elements of the QF RDI and QSTP value chain, including the wide range of support programmes we are able to provide to aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators,” said Dr Danny Ramadan, Investment director at QSTP.Ramadan added: “A key pillar of TVF is showcasing how QF’s education and applied research ecosystem is creating solutions, which are locally relevant, yet globally scalable. This is strongly complemented by QSTP’s support for students within the Qatar Foundation network. “To be able to see the team at Meddy progress from academic endeavors at CMU-Q to the international acquisition stage indicates the underlying health of the ecosystem we have worked so hard to develop.”Meddy CEO Haris Aghadi said, “TVF made the very first investment in Meddy and it has been transformational in our journey from idea to exit. It helped us move from an idea to building and launching a live product in the market. Moreover, it validated our product and enhanced our credibility as a startup that helped attract other investors. “We wouldn’t be where we are today, having been the first startup in Qatar to raise an institutional Series A round, and then to be bought by such an established player in the 'healthtech' market as Helium, without the sprint start that QSTP and the wider QF RDI ecosystem were able to give us.”Aghadi said, “Qatar is a unique market because there is a lot of opportunity within its infrastructure to make services, across every industry including healthcare, more accessible to everyone. This creates an enormous market for technology-based solutions to solve real problems. There also aren’t that many incumbents that are monopolising the market, which makes it a level playing field for new entrants to launch their products and compete.”He added: “I encourage entrepreneurs in Qatar to take advantage of the multiple programmes available to support us as we develop our businesses. They are a great way to get actionable feedback on your idea and refine it to launch the product in the market without needing significant resources. Incubators like QSTP also have great networks that can help you land your first paying customer or an advisor or an investor.” QSTP’s TVF is a strategic venture capital fund that supports local innovative startups and attracts those abroad looking to scale in the region and further afield. It also contributes to the diversification of Qatar’s economy through the support it provides to startups, such as Meddy. The fund provides opportunities for local, regional, and global tech founders and entrepreneurs to source seed-stage funding and follow-on capital. It also aims to lower the barriers of entry to starting a tech company in Qatar, making the market more accessible for founders. To apply and learn more about QSTP’s TVF, visit
December 13, 2021 | 06:41 PM