HE Chairman of the General Authority of Customs Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Jamal stressed that the unity shown during the celebration of Qatar National Day (QND) reflect the feelings of everyone living in Qatar, and provide an opportunity for people to know the heritage of the country and the people's hopes for the future.
Speaking to Qatar News Agency (QNA) to mark Qatar National Day, he said that the day is an important opportunity to reflect on the nation's history and remind the younger generation of the sacrifices of their predecessors. He discussed the achievements of the General Authority of Customs over the past year. The authority's role involves securing the entry of goods and travelers and facilitating trade exchange with countries. He said that the authority continued its important role in implementing programs and projects, which varied between developing and strengthening the human, technical and procedural aspects or at the level of co-operation between customs and various authorities inside and outside the country, facilitating the introduction of consumer products to meet the needs of the local market, and working with its partners hand in hand to achieve a smooth movement trade and support for import and export operations.
He also noted that the authority has equipped two customs departments in the areas of Ras Bufontas and Umm Al Houl, in addition to working to support and develop customs ports at the human and technical levels by launching a number of advanced training programs for port employees, strengthening the existing human cadres, and supporting daily work with advanced inspection devices according to the latest technology available, as periodic inspection visits were made by officials and specialists to find out the requirements and needs that the outlets need, in preparation for what you will witness during the coming period of multiple events and activities and an expected movement in movement and travel, especially after the situation gradually improved with the coronavirus pandemic.
HE al-Jamal noted the memoranda of understanding signed by the General Authority of Customs during this year, including the General Tax Authority, which aim to unify and coordinate policies and procedures related to the implementation of the provisions of the Selective Tax Law and its executive regulations, in addition to electronic integration between the two sides. The memorandum included the agreement to achieve co-operation in a number of fields. There were also agreements signed with Qatar University and Al Jazeera Media Institute that aims to exchange expertise in the training field.
He highlighted that the authority has built teams trained at the highest level in order to provide support related to customs for important international events held in the state, the most prominent of which are the Arab Cup and the World Cup 2022, he noted that the customs are among the parties that contribute strongly to the success of these events. He said the authority played an important role during the Arab Cup in facilitating travel for the participating teams. He also said that the General Authority of Customs played a key role in facilitating the entry of shipments necessary for holding the Formula 1 in Qatar. He also cited that the General Authority of Customs received 4 ISO accreditations.
HE al-Jamal concluded his remarks to QNA by discussing co-operation with the Ministry of Transport and Qatar Chamber, saying that the official activation of the TIR Convention has enhanced the State of Qatar's status as an important and strategic trade partners, as the General Authority of Customs became has trialed the first truck to enter the country using that system, back in October of 2021.