Indian community organised a condolence meeting recently to pay tributes to the chief of defence staff of India, General Bipin Rawat, his wife, Madhulika Rawat and 11 other armed forces personnel who lost their lives in a helicopter crash at Coonoor, Tamil Nadu.
The meeting was held at Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) with the participation of several Indian community leaders, officials of apex bodies under the Indian embassy as well as several community members.

A view of the attendees at the event

Indian Army Col D Purushothaman Pillay (Retd) of Army Ordnance Corps briefed about the career and family details of General Rawat, and his contribution to the armed forces at the event. All who gathered observed silence to pray for the departed souls and in support of their families.
Indian ambassador, Dr Deepak Mittal shared about his association and interactions with General Rawat. On behalf of the Indian community, Indian Sports Centre president, Dr Mohan Thomas, ICC president P N Baburajan, and Indian Community Benevolent Forum vice-president Vinod Nair spoke on the occasion. ICC cultural secretary Shweta Kosthy anchored the event.
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