
Forum plays key role in repatriation of needy expats

Forum plays key role in repatriation of needy expats

December 31, 2021 | 06:46 PM
*Punarjani Qatar provides assistance to Indians in distress
Indian expatriate forum Punarjani Qatar has continued to repatriate a number of critically ill patients in 2021 and so far, the organisation has repatriated about 35 needy persons to various states.Jugiraj Sing Sarwan Singh, a native of Kapurthala, Punjab and working with Karwa was rushed to Emergency at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) due to some health issues. Later, he was shifted to Rumailah Hospital in April, for long therapy and treatment. Punarjani planned his repatriation after contacting his family in Punjab and arranged a letter of acceptance from a hospital in Amritsar. After arranging his compensation and insurance from authorities, he was repatriated recently to Amritsar where he was received by his family and got admitted in a hospital at Amritsar for further medical support.Ismail Mohamed Rawter, a 47-year-old, from Alathur, Kerala, was also repatriated recently. He suffered a severe heart attack and was admitted in the Emergency at Wakra Hospital in 2020. Later he was shifted to the long-term Care Unit at Rumailah Hospital Punarjani arranged his repatriation as the family wanted to provide further treatment at his native place. On December 16, he was repatriated with a doctor and nurse to Kochi International Airport. The forum had also arranged an ambulance with a doctor and nurse at Kochi to take him to the hospital.Further, Punarjani helped the repatriation of Yunoos Pauvvakkal Nhattuvayal, a 36-year-old from Kannur. He was under long-term treatment in Enaya Speciality Care Centre for the past several months and was in a semi-conscious stage. A doctor and nurse accompanied him on the flight. Nhattuvayal, working as driver in a company in Qatar, had a cardiac arrest which affected his brain and development of neurological issues. Punarjani volunteers co-ordinated with Enaya hospital staff, Indian embassy, Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF) and the airlines for his travel, and with Pariyaram Medical College in India, for getting their consent for further treatment. Another successful repatriation this year was of Thoppayyan Aellappan Periabodi Shetty, a 61-year-old, from Chennai, Tamil Nadu who reached his family recently.Thoppayyan was undergoing treatment at the Qatar Rehabilitation Centre for physical fitness, after being admitted due to severe chest pain and thereafter started suffering from memory loss. "With assistance from several people, we were able to help him travel back home," an official of Punarjani said.Finally, Siraj Ahmed Syed a native of Hyderabad was safely handed over to his family members at the Hyderabad Airport with Punarjani’s assistance. He was working as a driver in a limousine company in Qatar and was admitted to HMC, as he complained of extreme fatigue. Later, he was shifted to the Qatar Rehabilitation Centre for physiotherapy and due to vision problems caused by lifestyle diseases, he was sent for further treatment.Punarjani Qatar has thanked HMC, Indian embassy, ICBF and various airlines for all the support and assistance in the repatriation efforts. In all the cases, the forum contacted the sponsors to get financial settlements from their companies. The organisation also conducted two blood donation drives in 2021, with the participation of over 200 members. It also helps with burial in Qatar as well as with consular services and deportation assistance among others.
December 31, 2021 | 06:46 PM