
MES conducts PTA meeting

MES conducts PTA meeting

December 31, 2021 | 09:53 PM
With an objective to promote positive views of parents via effective collaboration and to establish a productive interaction, MES Indian School conducted its first plenary session with the members of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) for the academic year 2021-23.
Principal Hameeda Kadar welcomed the parents and introduced the team leaders of the school and teacher representatives. She presented an overview of the school’s achievements and the existing best practices. The principal also elaborated on the initiatives taken to improve students’ academic performance and general conduct besides highlighting the efforts of the school in nurturing the holistic growth of the students. Parents expressed their constructive views and opinions on school administration and staff, and appreciated the resilience shown by the school in providing uninterrupted education even during the testing time inflicted by the pandemic. The meeting also witnessed a video presentation featuring the growth and accomplishments of the school. Uzma Fatimee, head of Junior Section, hosted the session, and her colleague Mehvish Mehraj proposed a vote of thanks.
December 31, 2021 | 09:53 PM