
Shura Council discusses Qatari job seekers issue

Shura Council discusses Qatari job seekers issue

January 10, 2022 | 09:50 PM
The Shura Council held its weekly meeting, under the chairmanship of its Speaker HE Hassan bin Abdullah al-Ghanim.
The Shura Council held Monday its weekly meeting, under the chairmanship of its Speaker HE Hassan bin Abdullah al-Ghanim.At the outset of the session, HE the Secretary-General of the Council Dr Ahmed bin Nasser al-Fadhala read out the agenda of the session.The minutes of the previous session were approved.At the beginning of the deliberations, the Council discussed the issue of Qatari job seekers.The Council determined the country's need to specify specialisations needed in the labour market and human resource development in general, based on a request for general discussion submitted by several members.In this context, the members underlined the Council's interest in the issue, as it has a direct impact on the lives of citizens, stressing the necessity of ensuring a decent life and providing job opportunities for citizens, as according to Articles 26, 28, and 54 of the Permanent Constitution of Qatar, public jobs are a national service, which is reflected in the Qatar National Vision 2030 and the relevant sectoral strategies.The Council also stressed the need to link education outputs to the needs of the labour market and the importance of planning human resources in accordance with the requirements of the labour market to promote comprehensive national development and achieve Qatar National Vision 2030.It pointed to the importance of the role of the private sector in supporting national efforts in development, the role of partnership between the public and private sectors in absorbing job seekers and localising jobs in the private sector, and supporting national cadres and qualifying them for the labor market.The Council also highlighted the efforts made by training and rehabilitation centres and institutes in the country.After the discussions, the Council decided to refer the matter to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee to study and submit a report on it to the Council.The session continued as the Council reviewed a request to extend the work of the Information and Cultural Affairs Committee to study the views of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, in co-ordination with Qatar University, regarding the recommendations of the Shura Council on the conditions of the university, which the Council presented in its previous session.The Council approved the extension request.
January 10, 2022 | 09:50 PM