
AMU Alumni Qatar Toastmasters hold Republic Day special virtual meeting

AMU Alumni Qatar Toastmasters hold Republic Day special virtual meeting

January 27, 2022 | 08:02 PM
Some of the participants in the virtual meeting.
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Alumni Qatar Toastmasters Club conducted a virtual meeting on January 24. 
The dignitaries, guests and members attending the meeting were welcomed by the club's presiding officer, T M Jawed Ahmad, who opened the meeting with a famous quote by Babasaheb Ambedkar: “Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free, though he may not be in chains, is a slave, not a free man”.Ahmad wished the attendees on the occasion of India's Republic Day and introduced the Toastmaster of the Day, welcoming the general evaluator, Distinguished Toastmaster Sabeena M K, to conduct the overall evaluation. Toastmaster of the Day Mohamed Shareef conducted the educational session of the evening. He revealed the meeting theme as the “Importance of Republic Day”. He shared the importance of the occasion throughout the session and subsequently introduced the team of assignees to conduct the meeting. Toastmaster Farman Khan also briefed the gathering on the theme and encouraged the guests to join the toastmaster club for their own benefits.Word master and Grammarian Rovelyn Aglipay introduced the word of the day, ‘Good Samaritan’, and explained its usage while the other roles were played by Deepak Talreja (Toastmaster Area 119 director) - timer and listener, and Dr Asma Naz - Ah-counter. Speeches were evaluated by Abad Ahmad Khan, Shafqat Nabi, Manoj and Nayeem. The table topics session was handled by Dr Ashna Nusrat.The prepared speech and table topic session saw the participation of fellow toastmasters and guests. Prepared speeches were delivered by Syed Minhajuddin, Dr Mosharraf Shamim, Mahejabeen Hussain and Dr Nadeem Zafar Jilani. Club members congratulated Dr Jilani, the new president-elect of AMU Alumni Association Qatar, an associate organisation of ICBF under the aegis of the Indian embassy.“We strive to have a club environment that is positive and supporting where people can develop self-confidence and grow in both theircommunication and leadership skills,” said Dr Jilani. Sabeena concluded her evaluation and announced the results for best speakers as follows: Best speaker (speech) - Dr Nadeem Zafar Jilani, Best table topic speaker - Mohamed Nayeem, and Best Evaluator - Manoj.At the end, club president Jawed Ahmad emphasised that "with our Toastmasters club, together we can enhance our skills in public speaking, presentation, effective meeting, time management, leadership and more". The meeting was adjourned by him with a famous quote by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam: “You have to dream before your dreams can come true”.
January 27, 2022 | 08:02 PM