
Azerbaijan section opens at FBQ Museum

Azerbaijan section opens at FBQ Museum

February 17, 2022 | 12:10 AM
HE Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim al-Thani and Azerbaijan ambassador Rashad Ismayilov, along with wife Mehriban, led the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Azerbaijan section at the FBQ Museum. PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam.
An Azerbaijan section at Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani (FBQ) Museum was inaugurated Wednesday, displaying various objects representing “vibrant local heritage enriched by Islamic influences.”Speaking at the event, Azerbaijan ambassador Rashad Ismayilov said his country enjoys an old and very rich culture. "Early works of art in our country date back 5,000 years ago. Wonderful nature, climate and resources of my country produced a significant impact on artistic thinking and creation skills of our people.
The traditional Azerbaijan dress has a long history dating back 5,000 years, according to the envoy.
“I am so excited that, from now on, some exhibits from Azerbaijan will be displayed here. I take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone involved in this work, particularly to HE Sheikh Faisal,” he explained.The envoy and HE Sheikh Faisal led the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and toured some of the sections at the FBQ museum, along with Ismayilov's wife, Mehriban Ismayilov, and other ambassadors and embassy officials from different embassies in Doha.
Showcased objects reflect Azerbaijan's "vibrant local heritage enriched by Islamic influences."
The Azerbaijan section, titled ‘Azerbaijan: Crafting a Cultural Network along the Silk Road’, showcases a number of traditional carpets, dresses, musical instruments such as tar, ghaval, and saz, shabakas, decorative bowls, and Arab mashrabiya, among other items.HE Sheikh Faisal thanked Ismayilov for bringing unique and exceptional pieces from Azerbaijan to the FBQ museum – which houses Sheikh Faisal’s personal collection, comprising more than 15,000 items.
Traditional Azerbaijan musical instruments on display at the FBQ Museum's latest section.
With a lot of things to showcase from Azerbaijan, HE Sheikh Faisal said the FBQ museum could expand and make the section bigger in the future. He also indicated plans to visit Azerbaijan soon.Opening a section at the renowned FBQ museum, according to Ismayilov, provides an opportunity to promote Azerbaijan’s rich culture and heritage to the people of Qatar, as well as to foreign visitors.
Traditional knives and other tools form part of Azerbaijan's rich culture
“Enriching world musical culture with its rare pearls, Azerbaijan music also has multi-centuries old traditions. This is why we brought some of our traditional musical instruments too.“Today, one can easily come across numerous wonderful models of Azerbaijani folk arts in the world's largest museums. We are so proud that we will see such art pieces in Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al Thani Museum also,” Ismayilov said.The traditional dress on display, he pointed out, has a long history dating back 5,000 years, while old equipment, instruments, and tools were all handcrafted and form part of Azerbaijan’s culture.Ismayilov also highlighted the close and strong bilateral relations between the two countries, stressing that “Azerbaijan's cultural ties with Qatar are of exceptional importance to us”. “Proceeding from this priority, we have been implementing various joint projects together with our Qatari friends. And we will spare no efforts to develop the bilateral cultural ties between the two brotherly countries further,” the envoy stressed.
February 17, 2022 | 12:10 AM