
ICC Students' Forum in online meeting with IIS principal

ICC Students' Forum in online meeting with IIS principal

March 04, 2022 | 09:10 PM
Students from various Indian Schools gave speeches on various topics. Ali narrated interesting stories by interweaving the topic of the day 'Springs of life'.
Indian Cultural Centre ( ICC) Students' Forum had an online meeting with Ideal Indian School (IIS) principal Syed Shoukath Ali recently. Students from various Indian Schools gave speeches on various topics. Ali narrated interesting stories by interweaving the topic of the day 'Springs of life'. The noted academic also answered students' questions.
ICC president P N Baburajan and in-house activities head Mohan Kumar Duraisamy spoke. The event was hosted by Head of Activity Co-ordinator & Education Kamla Thakur and conducted by Asna Fatimah. Fathima Nizar welcomed and Meena Makesh expressed the vote of thanks. ICC vice-president Subramanya Hebbagelu, general secretary Krishna Kumar Bandhakavi, and other committee members also took an active part in conducting the event which was also attended by teachers, parents and other prominent members of the community.    
March 04, 2022 | 09:10 PM