* 'Women's Work Group' will see participation of State entities, private sector and academic institutions

The Ministry of Labour has announced the launch of the 'Women's Work Group' initiative with the participation of many State actors from ministries, the private sector and academic institutions, to serve as a co-operation platform for exchanging experiences, information, best practices and research to enhance women's potential at all levels and their presence in the labour market.
This came during a ceremony organised Tuesday by the Ministry of Labour in co-operation and co-ordination with the Ministry of Social Development and Family, the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), on the occasion of International Women's Day.
Announcing the initiative, Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs at the Ministry of Labour, Mohamed Hassan al-Obaidli, underlined that the strategy of the ministry focuses on encouraging Qatari citizens of both genders to work in the private sector and prompting national competencies to fill supervisory and leadership positions.
Al-Obaidli stressed the ministry's keenness on encouraging Qatari women to work in the private sector in order to benefit from their high educational qualifications and restore balance to the labour market. He noted that Qatari women have assumed high positions in the country and their presence has increased in the supervisory ranks of ministries, which indicates their success in terms of development and work.
He underlined that the strong presence of Qatari women came as a result of the support of the wise leadership, which deeply believes in the capabilities of women in all fields.
Al-Obaidli indicated that the Qatari legislation supports and enhances the status of women in the society, starting with the Qatari constitution that prohibits discrimination against women, to the legislation that supports equality and equal opportunities for women to enable them to fully participate in the country's development process.
For her part, HE the Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council Dr Hamda al-Sulaiti underlined Qatar's keenness on women's empowerment in various fields, referring to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani's interest in empowering women at the level of the legislative, judicial and executive authorities.
She noted the presence of Qatari women in the legislative authority as members of the Shura Council, and their presence in various positions at various levels as ministers, officials, ambassadors, administrators in the executive authority, and judges.
HE Dr al-Sulaiti noted that the Qatari constitution includes many articles that emphasise equality in rights and duties for all citizens, pointing out that Qatar National Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development vision affirm that women are an essential part of the sustainable development process, which also confirms that empowerment is not only in the field of employment, but also in the fields of education and social life.
HE the Deputy Speaker explained that the empowerment of women in the Shura Council is represented in two levels - the first in her capacity as a member of the council, and the second through employment within the various departments of the council. She noted that the Shura Council is currently working to increase the employment of women in its various departments.
HE the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Committee Maryam bint Abdullah al-Attiyah underlined that International Women's Day represents an important occasion to support the efforts of women in all domains, noting that the theme for this year's celebration is 'Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow'.
HE the NHRC Chairperson pointed to the vital and effective role of women in the social and economic aspects, adding that women represent half of the society, and without their work, the society will not use half of its human capabilities, which will be reflected in achieving the desired development and prosperity.
She indicated that local legislation and international conventions confirm and reinforce the right of women to work, and said Qatari women have translated their future aspirations into brilliant successes in work across various fields.
She attributed the successes of Qatari women to their high-quality capabilities and qualifications, as well as to the supportive environment provided by the wise leadership, believing in their role and participation in the development process.
For his part, CEO of Qatar Financial Centre Yousuf Mohamed al-Jaida said QFC believes in the importance of women in developing the private sector and building a balanced society by promoting gender equality, noting that 37% of the QFCs employees are female, and that women occupy many leadership positions in it. In addition, about 2,000 women participate in the management of the companies under the QFC umbrella.
He added that QFC has worked over the past years to update laws and regulations that enhance women's empowerment and contribute to supporting their role in the process of sustainable development and the development of the private sector.
HE the Vice-Chairperson of the National Human Rights Committee Dr Mohamed Saif al-Kuwari underlined that empowering women in work and senior positions is an inherent right for them in the Qatari legislation and international human rights covenants, pointing out that the Qatari constitution clearly stipulates equality in rights and duties for all citizens.
He noted that the NHRC has been working to submit an annual report that enhances the role of women and empowers them in various fields, whether at work and ensuring a comfortable work environment, or at the social, cultural and other levels.
Meanwhile, director of the Family Affairs Department at the Ministry of Social Development and Family, Najat Abdullah, noted that the permanent constitution of Qatar and the national strategies, in addition to the protection sector strategy, contribute to helping women achieve balance in the work environment, in addition to many legal legislations that allow women to carry out their family duties.
Dr Fatima Ali al-Kubaisi, head of the Social Sciences Department at Qatar University (QU), said QU is considered one of the most important educational institutions in the community, and contributes greatly to its development and the preparation of qualified cadres to contribute to its construction. At the same time, the university is keen to develop its curricula and cadres in order to achieve outputs consistent with the labour market at every stage.
In this context, she stressed that QU presented the world with a model in empowering women when Dr Sheikha al-Misnad became the first woman president of a university in the Arab world.
Head of the ILO Project Office Max Tunon affirmed that Qatar has taken pioneering steps at the level of women's empowerment in many sectors, pointing to the State's tangible interest in women's education, which directly contributed to the empowerment of Qatari women and their entry into the labor market and assuming senior positions.
He noted that the protection system for women is important in creating the appropriate environment for them, enabling them to contribute to the sustainable development, in addition to caring for and providing protection for the family and childcare, which contributes to enhancing balance in the work environment.
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