
Pakistan PM vows to defeat no-trust move

Pakistan PM vows to defeat no-trust move

March 10, 2022 | 01:15 AM
Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing party activists at the Governoru2019s House in Karachi yesterday.
Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing party activists at the Governor’s House in Karachi yesterday. Striking a defiant note in the face of a no-trust motion launched by the joint opposition parties in the National Assembly — lower house of Pakistan’s bicameral legislature — a day earlier, Khan said he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Labelling the opposition leaders “thieves” for allegedly siphoning off national wealth for personal aggrandisement and now converging to oust his government to protect the loot, he vowed to not only defeat them at the vote, which is constitutionally due latest by March 29, but also to have them put behind bars for their alleged corruption.
March 10, 2022 | 01:15 AM