MES Indian School hosted an impressive ceremony recently to welcome the 50thAmir Cup trophy tour. School president K Abdul Karim unveiled the trophy. A welcome dance followed by a fusion of Arabic cultural dance, a soccer performance by the students and a students' parade of the 17 clubs participating in Amir Cup 2022 were among the highlights. A giant replica of the Amir Cup Qatar 2022 trophy was also displayed at the school grounds. Among those who witnessed the welcome ceremony were Fadalah Ibrahim Fadalah, social responsibility expert; Mohamed Hashim Sulaiman, logistics officer; Abdulla al-Mansoori, private schools education consultant, office of the assistant undersecretary for private education; MES Indian School officials Khaleel A P, Ahamed Isham, Ashraf Sharafudheen, principal Hameeda Kadar, and MES alumni official Shaheen Mohamed Shafi. Earlier head prefect Jeswin Binu Chacko welcomed the gathering and Sehla Kabir proposed a vote of thanks.
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